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Dovey pulled away forcefully and shouted at you, "young lady! this behaviour is unacceptable!" 

You shushed her up by placing your right hand onto your mouth and boy, was she furious. Her hands lit up as she placed her hands over yours and you shouted, "ouch" your hair fired up in red as you looked at Dovey in anger. 

"that's what you get! what is wrong with you!" she shouted at you once more. Your hair then turned from red to blue to yellow to blue back. Dovey titled her head, "your hair... does it change colour to your emotions?" 

"yes!" you said annoyingly as you put out the fire, "now, can we please talk in your office?" you said scaredly. Seeing you like this, Dovey couldn't help but to feel sorry for you. She then took your hand, "follow me, I know a shortcut" You didn't say anything but just followed the Dean. You were shocked to really find a shortcut and it only took awhile before you were in her office. 

"that really was a shortcut.." you said, impressed of how very short it was. 

"have a seat, dear" you sat on her couch, "alright, talk to me" as Dovey sat beside you.

"I want to learn why I'm feeling the way I am" 

Dovey was shocked by your words. She didn't know you felt that way. Behind all that evilness, it was just a child that never understood herself, "why don't you speak with Lesso? She is your Dean" 

"I just thought that maybe you.. being the dean for the school of good, you wouldn't judge me and.. maybe understood this things better"

"okay, pour it all out"

you smiled and took a deep breathe in before starting, "ever since coming to this school, i have been experiencing weird things like remember when I saved that kitten?" and Dovey nodded.

"you told me I had a soft spot for it. Why is that?"

"no one knows why certain people have soft spots for certain things but it's just something in the goodness of your heart to protect it with all your life. just like how mothers are willing to do anything to protect their children"

"speaking of mothers, i never really knew my mother. she died at childbirth but when I saw her possessions in that museum, I couldn't help but to just feel pain, to feel sorry for my mother's story..."

"it's called empathy, my dear. when you feel sorry for that person in a good way" she says as she places her hand on your shoulder.

"when I broke the seal, Dot was able to hug me and she was really happy and I somehow felt happy for her? and she said that she was my... friend...

not because it benefits her.. its because she really did want to be friends..."

"you felt happy for a friend. you were happy to see her smile, y/n. Friends are like chosen family. They are there for you when you fall and love you for you just like a family"

"they love me?" you looked at Dovey with tears in your eyes as she wiped them away and nodded, "yes, my dear"

"one more thing" you sniffed, "it's about lesso.."

"what about her?"

"i don't know why but i think im in love? I don't know.. all my life, I have watched others fall in love with eacg other and me.. and it's always the same things of sweet words of how and why they fell in love with their partner and I think im starting to feel that?" you were still confused.

"how do you feel around lesso?"

"she is good-looking, not gonna lie, but whenever I see her, I'm okay at first but then my hearts starts to beats up faster and before I knew it, I get lost in her eyes and I tend to lose my focus when it involves lesso. Then I have this weird tingly feeling in my stomach. I don't like it" you ranted out.

Dovey giggled, "what's so funny? Did she put a spell on me or something after I broke the seal?"

"no, my dear. That tingly feeling is called butterflies"

"she put butterflies in me?!" you wrapped your arms around your stomach.

"no. its something that you feel when you get near or see someone you like. its a normal reaction. and with the other emotions you have felt, are all love signs that shows you have fallen for lesso"

"but how?"

"well, this type of love, just comes unexpected. it comes to you when you're not looking for it or even if you didn't want to, this love will keep coming back to you no matter how long you reject it. The heart moves differently and similarly for everyone. Like how in your eyes, Lesso is the most beautiful girl you have ever seen while towards others, she's just their normal Dean"

"so I've fallen for her... what should I do?"

"confess your love if you want to. when you think you're ready for a relationship, you confess. You'll know when you're ready when you start to be fully wanting to commit and fight through any obstacles to be together. You'll know when you're ready" you just responded in response.

"or you don't have to" Dovey said and you looked in confusion as she went to open the door to reveal Lesso.

"Lesso.." you stood up.

Dovey then left the room to give you two some privacy.

"wait, Dovey knew you were there the whole time?!" Lesso nodded, "and here i thought the Good don't lie"

"it was for a good cause!" dovey screamed from the other side.

"so I guess you heard everything, huh" Lesso nodded, "then I have nothing else to say" you kept quiet and it was getting awkward.

"y/n.." Lesso broke the silence, "this may sound weird but I feel the same way as you. I've fallen for you. Like what Dovey has said earlier, this love came unexpected. I didn't want to, thinking you were just another student to me, but then I started to get jealous whenever I see how close you were with Hester"

you didn't say anything, you couldn't even look her in the eye.

"I never said anything because I thought you didn't feel the same but after hearing what you said, I've made a decision..." she dropped her cane and brought you closer to her by your waist. You were shocked by the sudden movement. You were looking up at her and getting lost in her eyes.

"love... I thought Nevers don't  get true love?" you said.

"we don't but I would like to believe otherwise.. for us"

you chuckled, "you hypocrite"

"I know~ how evil of me~" she was leaning in for a kiss but you look down, "what's wrong?"

"I've always thought having this feelings means you were weak. I'm not weak, am I?" you looked up at her.

"no, you're not. You're one of the strongest. All this feelings you experience was like a roller-coaster for you. You didn't had the chance to control it like the others did. They had all the time to take it in but for you, it came all straight down and seeing how you still managed to overcome it all, shows how strong you are" you wanted to look down but Lesso took your chin with her right hand while her left still around waist, "and I'm willing to be here to help you"


"with all my love for you. I'll even die for you if I have to" you chuckled at that sentence. you have always heard other say it and found them pathetic but yet, here you are, falling for these same words.

"that is if you're willing to be mine, just like how im willing to" she leaned in for a kiss, "my love" and you kissed back.

you couldn't think straight. whatever evil schemed you had in your mind was all in the air now as you fell into lesso's touch.

your hands went from her chest to her neck, pulling her in closer. she giggled as you did that, not wanting the kiss to ever end.

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