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a month had gone by and you've gotten busier and busier. thank goodness you had hort to help you out, always such a sweetheart, as for your wife, she sleeps in the tower with you, not wanting to burden you of coming back to the castle. as for dovey, she visits from time to time and so far, not much trouble from either side of the school. One thing you're thankful for from the kids.

As the day started, you got yourself ready. Thanks to Hort, you got majority of work done yesterday so you had free time for relaxation once you awake. Looking at the mirror once more, and for some reason, you just felt off.

You noticed your wife coming up from behind you as she slid her hands up to your shoulders before resting her head onto your right shoulder, "everything alright?"

You didn't want to worry your wife so you gave her a reassuring smile, "everything's fine, my love" you knew that she would figure out that you weren't feeling right in which she did but she didn't want to force it out of you, this time round so she didn't ask and just got ready.

You looked back at your reflection and tried to figure it out but couldn't before walking out the door and of course, not forgetting to say good morning and goodbye to the storian.

To your surprise, Hort wasn't at the bottom of the stairs. You frowned for a second, thinking of what could have happened. With Hort, there's alot of possibilities to be honest so you just went into the school for evil. The Nevers bowed and greeted the both of you as you walked past by every one of them with your wife's arm around yours and your hands in your pockets. They haven't seen you for a month since you were cooped in your tower.

You sent your wife off to her class before attending to your errands around the school. You tried to call for Hort mentally but to no avail. You even tried to figure out his location but nothing, "where are you, Hort?" you thought to yourself with an annoyed face. He can be annoying at times but you love his presence and he was always with you. you couldn't help to be worried.

"head master looks mad..." that's what the Nevers has been calling you ever since that incident at the dining hall. It was a small matter to you but to them, it wasn't.

You then continued your errands, hoping that Hort will come to you. As you did that, the Nevers kept their distance from you and all bowed down their heads as you passed. You thought it was just their way of respecting you but the weird part was when some of them would just stay in their bowed position and would stay that way unless you leave.

"such weird kids" you thought to yourself. Little did you know, that the Nevers were anxious/scared that you were going to lash out at any time with that angry face of yours.

Once you were done, you went over to the school for good. As you did, you were greeted as well but instead of fear, it was filled with joy.

"good morning, Ms y/n" they greeted you as they went pass you. All with cheerful smiles. Regardless of that cold face of yours, they still greeted you with pure joy as you did your errands around the school.

Coming towards the part where you visited the boys during their archery, you noticed one of them having a hard time with it. You titled your head at first as to why you never saw him before then you realised that it was Vincent's younger brother who attended the school at a later date than the others. Vincent wasn't around so the other princes helped him.

You smiled at that moment but you saw the poor boy starting to cry, probably frustrated at himself. The princes started to panic, not knowing what to do. You chuckled softly before attending to him. The princes noticed you and bowed as you attended to the poor crying boy.

"it's okay" you patted him on the shoulder. He looked up at you and you gave him a warm smile. You went down to his level, "what's your name?" you knew his name but it's just for convo.

"Victor" he sniffed.

"how old are you, Victor?"

"14..." the youngest boy in the school, just 2 years younger than his big brother. He was supposed to be sent here when he's 16 but his parents had other plans.

The boy was mesmerised by your warmth as you stroked his head, "its okay to be frustrated after you lost a few times. the most important thing is that you try again. you will fall and fail, yes, but remember, it's better than giving up" you gave him a smile and he nodded with motivation once more.

You then guided him. He did fail a few times but afterwards, "don't be afraid. take in a deep breathe and release" he finally did it. He jumped up and down in joy. You placed your hand onto his head, "see you did it" you said happily and he hugged you. It was a shock to you since you never ever received a hug from a child before or even a student here.

he let go of the hug and smiled at you. you returned it back, "always remember"

"to never give up!" he said happily with a cheeky smile, as he did a salute to you before running off happily. You stood back up as you watched him run away happily. You then glared at the princes and they immediately looked away in fear. You smirked at that before leaving.

During lunch, you decided to join the other teachers as you sat in between your wife and dovey. Everyone in the hall was shocked to see you, "what? Don't look at me like you've never seen me in your life" you said coldly.

"it's just a surprise to have you sit with us, y/n" one of the teachers said. Lesso placed her hand onto yours as she rubbed it to cool you down. You felt bad so you apologise to them, "sorry. I.. I don't feel like myself today"

"it's okay y/n. We understand. We all have our bad days" one of the teachers, Eva, said and you thanked her and the others for understanding.

Suddenly, you felt a hug from behind. Your hair lit up red as you clenched your fist. Everyone gasped as it's been so long since you did that. Your fiery hair cooled off when you realised who was behind you.

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