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"let go of me Hort" Lesso removed her wrist from Hort's grip, "what are the both of you hiding from me?" she raised her voice a little louder than usual, sending shivers down Hort's spine as he jerked, "I assure you, Lesso. I don't know either. We just have to trust her"

Lesso scoffed as she turned around but was stopped by Hort standing in front of her, "go back to your students, Lesso. I will tell you after she's out"

"you better" she growled before storming off and Hort cleared his throat. He then sat in front of the wall, waiting for you with his feet crossed. He waited and waited and waited.

As the school hours was coming to an end, you were finally out. Your eyes widen to find Hort in front of you, "how long have you've been there?"

"since the start" as he stood back up, groaning in pain as he stretched, "ow my feet" you chuckled at his dumbness. "so what's the plan?" he looked at you. You hesitated for a second before saying, "Hort"


"do you trust me?"

"with my whole life. why?" he frowned his eyebrows, "y-you're not going to do anything stupid, are you?" you gave him a smile, "no, of course not"

"i'm getting the feeling that you're lying" he said. You snickered, "I assure you, I'm not" you then breathed out, "i'll go back to the tower first and let you and lesso know, okay?"

"what about the magic taking over you? y/n, I'm worried"

"you said you trust me-"

"yeah but-" you then placed your hands onto his shoulders to stop him from moving and having his full attention onto you, "then trust me on this"

he sighed, "alright fine" and you removed your hands from his shoulders. You patted him on the head, "now go" you said softly and he did just that. You went back to the tower to do what you had to do.

Hours later, the sun was down and the night took over as everyone got ready for bed. You went over to the school for good to visit an Ever Princess. As you walked into the girls' tower, some of them were giving their goodnights to their friends before entering their own rooms when they noticed you. They watch as you knocked on a specific room door. You slowly opened the door to find the girls brushing their hairs, they turned to you with shocking faces. You gave them a warm smile, "may I speak with princess Belle in private?"

"lucky girl~" one of her roommates whispered to her as they laughed softly before all of them left. You closed the door after the last one left before sitting beside Belle on her bed, "to what do I owe the honor, Ms Lesso?"

"Ms Lesso?" you chuckled as you raised an eyebrow. She giggled, "you are Lady Lesso's wife so I just assume you took her last name, making you y/n Lesso. Is that right?" and you nodded.

you clicked your tongue, "I have something to ask you, princess"

"is it about Ace?"

"you're a smart kid"

"I mean you were there in the dining hall when it happened before you stormed off. What about him?"

you sighed as you rested your arms onto your knees, "first off, I apologies for storming off. I must have scared all of you, huh"

"yeah but was everything alright? you seemed mad when you left..."

"there was just a little misunderstanding between me and the teachers but it's all good now" you quickly wrapped it up and going back to the topic, "anyways, how do you find him?"

"he's a sweet boy. We met after school and he brought me to a secret garden. It was magical" she said with love in her eyes and you smiled as you looked down, "I assume you have the same experiences?" You nodded, "Lady Lesso brought me there after the Nevers Ball. It was the day we made our relationship official" you then look up to Belle, "may I give you a piece of advice, princess?"

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