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You sighed, "alright" you caressed her cheek, "I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you. I thought I could handle it on my own"

Lesso held onto your hand, "its okay. Just tell me what's been going on?"

"it was really me who tried to kill Hort" those words shocked Lesso and Hort. "what..." Lesso said as she looks at you in disbelief meanwhile for Hort, "no.. it can't be. you wouldn't kill me. you said it yourself"

"i wouldn't but it seems my dark side would"

"your dark side?" Hort frowned his eyebrows.

"it claims to be my Never side, my conscious. It wants to take over my body and fulfill what I should have done 7 years ago"

"pure evil... that's why you told me that pure evil will rise again? your dark side is rising?" Lesso said.

"it wanted me to get rid of you but I had to fight it back, that's why I had spell you to attack me instead"

"but this doesn't make any sense. How can your conscious just take over you? It's just a voice, it ain't a living thing or spell or..." Hort was rambling about. As he did, Lesso spoke "if it's your conscious, does that mean..." Lesso looked down, "it's what you truly desire? pure evil?" Lesso looked at you again. You couldn't look her in the eye, not wanting to see her sad face when you thought, "mother"

"mother?" Hort placed his hands on his hips as he titled his head at you in annoyance. You then ran off, "y/n! wait!" Hort shouted. He grabbed Lesso by the wrist and carried her as he turned into his werewolf form.

"where are you going?" as he ran beside you. "school museum" you said as you turned into your owl form and flew.

"musuem? For what?!"

"her mother's tomb" Lesso said.

"her what?!" Hort was shock to hear that your mother's grave was in the school, "just go!" Lesso shouted. As Hort ran as fast as he could, everyone in his way ran off before they could get hit.

"was that Lady Lesso?!" one of the Nevers said.

"wasn't that Hort?" one of the wolf guard said.

"Lady Lesso has a pet werewolf??" one of the Nevers said.

As they reached into the museum, they saw you push the wall as you entered and the wall closed behind you.

"so you're telling me that maleficent has always been in this school?" Hort said.

"oh don't be such a wussy right now" as she got down and approached the wall. Hort immediately defended himself as he turned into his normal form, "I'm not. I'm just surprised" he ran up and followed Lesso.

"woah" Hort said and you turned to look at him.

"well look who it is, dear" Hades laughed.

"it's nice to see you again, Lesso" Maleficent welcome her, "same here" Lesso smiled.

"and you must be her best friend, uh, Hort right?" Hades said and Hort nodded, "wait, best friend?" Hort was shocked.

"of course. Why wouldn't you be her best friend? You're always by her side" Maleficent said, "y/n talks about you alot"

"I do not- how do you know that?"

"you just exposed yourself, kid" Hades clicked his tongue.

"our magic. We have the same magic and I am your mother, so it's like a special bond that can't be broken"

"wait... So those nights with my wife..." you face was red from embarrassment as your hair lit up blue like your dad. Maleficent giggles, "yes that too but I can choose when to not know what's going on with you"

"oh thank goodness" you sighed in relief.

Hort nodded slowly, "knowing how the two of them are, it must have been tiring for you Ms Maleficent" he then earned a hit on the head by Lesso.

"so what's going on, kiddo?" Hades asked.

"about pure destruction magic" you said in seriousness.

"what about it?" Hades said, "ouch" he got hit by his wife on the shoulder, "what did i do?"

"are you experiencing things that are out of your control?" Maleficent asked and you nodded, "mother, you know?"

she sighed, "pure destruction is the magic by our ancestors and it brings out the most purest evil in you. it can't fully control your body but it can manipulate you into doing what needs to be done"

"that voice..." you said softly.

"it is your own voice, y/n. your inner deeper voice of evil and since you're the first to possess its power, that's why you're experiencing these things"

You and Lesso then remembered what happened 7 years ago. As you drain the magic from the gem and into you to make pure evil rise before you were given a second chance. Only you and Lesso knew about it. While the others, only have seen the second chance part of the story.

"so it is me who wants to obtain pure evil again..." you were in disbelief as you thought you were over it, "but if you knew what could have been, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"your father knew about it. I don't know why he didn't tell you"

"alright, I admit it's my fault but I had a reason"

"which is?" Maleficent said.

"remember when your mother says it can manipulate to what needs to be done?" and you nodded, "it means you know deep down that you need to bring your pure evilness back"

"how is that a good reason, dad?! I could be destroying the entire world!"

"breathe, y/n. breathe" Lesso tried to calm your mind as she cling onto your arm.

you sighed, "can't i remove the magic and into a gem like before?"

Hades said, "you could.. but..."

"but what, dad?"

"let's just say if someone were to take that gem, they would be using bits of pieces of its power but if they ever wish to obtain it like you did, well... they'll be dead" Hades said bluntly at the last three words.

"what?!" the three of you shouted in sync.

"if not held by its rightful owner, such as our family, it will kill its victim, and take over a lifeless emotionless body and do whatever it pleases as pure evil" Maleficent explained.

"can't I destroy it then?!"

"sorry, kiddo. no magic is more powerful than pure destruction" Hades said, "unless you're God then that's a different story"

"I can't believe you still have time to joke around!" Maleficent scolded him

"it helps to keep the mind sane. too much stress and seriousness can cause chaos to the mind too" Hort defended Hades and Hades laughed, "i knew I liked this boy!" and Hort giggled.

"then do i kill myself to destroy it then?"

"you could but you wouldn't want to break your promise to your wife, right?" Maleficent said. You looked at Lesso with tears in your eyes as your head dropped down, you sighed, "so what? My only option is to bring back pure evil again?"

"seems like it, kiddo..."

"I don't get it. What does the gem know that I don't?" you said in frustration as your fiery head flamed up.

"we don't know either, dear" Maleficent said.

"i-it's fine, mom" you said, knowing its not their fault as well. you clenched your fist as you look at Hort, "Hort, could you get Lesso out of here?"

"you're going to hide things from me again?" but you just kept quite.

"c'mon lesso, you got kids to teach" Hort said softly as he pulled her out of the place. Once they were out, you turned to you parents, "let's start talking for real" as your eyes glowed red.

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