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you woke to find yourself cuddling in bed with Lady Lesso. you immediately sat up as you bury your face in your hands.

"have i gone crazy?!" you thought to yourself.

Lesso saw you in distress as she went to give you a side-hug, "what's wrong, my love?"

"nothing, I'm just.. I'm fine.. really"

"a nightmare?" and you nodded your head. Lesso brought you in closer as she stroked your head.

"I'll know something that will cheer you up"

"and what would that be, m'lady?" you chuckled as Lesso let go of the hug and now you were both facing each other.

"let's unlock your powers to its full potential" as she held onto your hand.

"no!" you reflexed back as you took your hand away and your hair lit up yellow.

"woah, i didn't know you were scared of a little pain. Calm down, little troublemaker" Lesso chuckled.

"no its not that" as you put out the fire on your head.

"then what is it?"

"I'm just afraid.. if I unlock my powers to its full potential that I won't be able to control it from hurting anyone.. even you.. that's why i had the seal in the first place" you said.

"it's okay, I'll be here for you, to help you control it"

"no... not till I'm ready... please" and Lesso nods in agreement.

"I better head back to my dorm before my roommates wake up" you got off the bed and got dressed.

"how do you know they're still asleep?"

"They only wake up when you shout through the PA"

you were about to leave when Lesso said, "not even a kiss?"

"no" and you left but went back in immediately after and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"I thought you said no?" Lesso smirked.

"apparently, I have this thing called a soft spot. I thought it was just for kittens but I guess I was wrong"

Lesso smiled at that fact and brought you in for another kiss. She then pulled you into her bed as she towers over you, continuing the kiss.

you pushed away a bit, "alright that's enough. I need to get to my dorm" you gave her peck on the lips before rolling out of the bed.

as you walk back to your dorm, you were having a little moment of regret, "what am I going to do now..." you thought to yourself. you couldn't believed that you let someone else overpower your thoughts, and all for what? Love?

The explanations from Professor Dovey yesterday kept playing in your mind over and over again and all you can do was just sighed,"i need to rethink my choices" as you headed into your dorm.

As promised towards your other fellow Nevers, that if you were to ever be free from the magic seal box, you will make the school less boring and so you did. Every class for the day, you did tricks and pranks on every single teacher and obviously, everyone was loving it. Even during lunch break, you played around with the princes.

The princesses were helpless without their princes and you took that as an opportunity to have fun with it. You made the princes did to your bidding, turned some princesses into animals. The sound of chaos was just music to your ears till Professor Dovey went to stop you and obviously she brought in Lady Lesso, because she knows soft spot.

You tried to ignore the presence of the woman but she took you by the wrist so you will look at her and man... if those eyes could kill, you would have been dead right in the stop, "stop this right now, y/n" you titled your head as your eyes glowed green.

you tried to fight it but obviously she won. you took your wrist away and turned everything back to normal, "i hate soft spots" you thought to yourself as you groaned. lunch was over and it was lesso's class.

as everyone took their seats, Dot asked out loud, "has anyone seen Hort?"

"i havent seen him at all today" Anadil replied back.

"I'm sure he's fine" you said with your right leg across your left.

Lesso started out her class regardless. You watch as everyone display their talents again and again but only this time, they have improved ever since unlocking their powers to its full potential. Unlike you, the excuse you gave towards everyone was, "i dont want to steal anyone's spotlight, just yet" you winked at them. Class continued on but at the back of your mind, you were in your own world.

Lesso's class was the last for the day and the other students made their way out but you just sat there. Hester called out for you and you turned to her, "aren't you coming?" you just shake your head in response and she left, "we'll see you later then"

"doing something later?" Lesso asked from across the room.

"my friends just wanted to have some fun later" you replied. Lesso kept talking but your replies were dry. She leaned onto your table, "what's wrong?"

"what are we, Lesso?"

Lesso licked her lips as she looked down, "whatever you want us to be, y/n" and she pulled out a rose. You chuckled, "what's the occasion?"

"nothing. I just thought you might like it"

you looked at it in awe. you felt yourself melt inside as you look at the flower in your hand, "its beautiful, thank you Lesso"

"I have one more for you"

"don't tell you're gone give me a bouquet instead?" you joked.

"haha, very funny" she said and laughed sarcastically as her finger glowed and a box appeared infront of you. You raised an eyebrow and just a few seconds, you heard a meow.


"go ahead"

you went to open the box to find that kitten that you saved the other day.

"she seems quite attached to you" as the kitten went up to your shoulder and snuggled it's face into your neck

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"she seems quite attached to you" as the kitten went up to your shoulder and snuggled it's face into your neck.

"no one has ever given me gifts before..." Lesso was happy to see you smile. She wanted you to experience this things that you never have before and she's willing to give her all to you.



"I don't think I'm ready for us... not yet..."

Lesso placed her hand on your cheek as she caressed it, "i understand. I'll be here no matter what"

"can I kiss you?" you didn't know why you ask that but you just wanted to feel her lips again.

"anything for you, my love" and she leans in.

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