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Hort then turned back to his normal form as you walked off, "maybe it is better that I'm single" he said it to himself before entering the dining hall.

He looked at the angry Lesso and gulped, taking in a deep breathe before approaching her, "Lesso..." she turned to him, "can I talk to you? In private?" Lesso got up and followed him.

"so um, about y/n earlier. She says she doesn't remember anything that she says"

"what do you mean"

"from her point of view, she was asleep and when she awoke, she was Infront of you. so, what I'm trying to say is that maybe y/n really isn't at fault. Maybe it's you know who"

"you mean the imposter?" and he nodded, "but how can that be? nobody has that power strong enough to mind control y/n" as she placed her hands on her hips and frowned her eyebrows.

"well, it may be him"

"him?" Lesso's eyes widen, "no, it can't be. He's dead"

"that's what y/n says too. she says and I quote, connected by blood magic, i can tell his existence is no longer on this world. But I don't think that's the case"

"so you're saying that motherfucker is back from the dead and he's trying his bullshit all over again?"

"that's the only explanation I got. I mean y/n wouldn't go out bursting unless it was like 7 years ago"

Lesso breathed out as she closed her eyes, "then we better tell y/n. It's no use hiding it from her." Hort nodded in agreement and turned into a werewolf. Lesso got onto him and he started to run.

Lesso slammed the tower door opened as she look for you, "y/n!" Hort sniffed around and said, "she's not here. She left a minute ago"

"storian! where did she go?" Lesso looked at the storian but it just stayed motionless, "storian?"

"Lesso! I've got her scent!"

"then let's go!" Lesso got onto Hort, and he started running, following your scent. As Hort ran towards a place that he was unfamiliar, "what is this place?" he softly asked. Lesso replied as she went down, "it's a secret garden" as she went into it with Hort following her closely behind. As Lesso opened the door slowly, it revealed you with your fiery hair flaming. You were alone. 

"y/n? Are you still... you?" Hort asked as he went in front of Lesso, just in case if something has happened to you.

"hmm?" you turned around and he was relieved.

"y/n... before you say anything else, just listen to me" he said after he turned back to his normal form, "about?" you titled your head. You then looked at your wife who seemed scared, "what's wrong?"

"y/n, I know what you said but we believe Rafal is back"

"if you knew what I said, what made you come to that conclusion?"

"your outburst. I have realized your eyes glow green before you change character, it was similar to what happened 7 years ago, it just isn't red. Maybe Rafal is back and he's making it seem like it's your fault..."

you breathed out in annoyance, "it isn't Rafal. As I have said before Hort-"

"I KNOW WHAT YOU SAID," he snapped, "s-sorry..." he breathed in, calming himself down, "just trust me on this please. I may be wrong, but it also shows that there is something controlling you"

"you're afraid, aren't you?" your eyes glowed green. 

"for god's sake y/n, of course I am. I am afraid that I will lose you again. Lose you to pure evil again. I know you're in there. Fight for whatever is controlling you. Don't let them hurt the people you love... Imagine losing Lesso just like how you almost did back then" he was holding onto your love for Lesso.

you shake your head, "I-I..." Lesso couldn't just stand behind, so she ran up to you and hugged you, "y/n..."

Hort watches as you weakly lifted up your hands to her shoulders. Your eyes then glowed green once more and you hugged her, burying your face into her neck. Hort sighed in relief but when you pulled away from the hug, your face turned into a complete shock. Hort frowned his eyebrows as you said, "Le-Lesso... " she then pushed you off and you fell to the ground. As you did, Lesso dropped the knife as she gasped, shocked at what she did. 

"since when did you have a knife?!" Hort shouted. 

"I didn't! Something took control of me!" she said as her hands were shaking. Your eyes were flickering green and red as the blood continued flowing out. Lesso kneeled down as she held onto your hand, "im sorry, y/n... stay with me..."

 your eyes stopped flickering as it glowed green. you held onto her hand, "well, that's one way to wake me up" you chuckled.

"this isn't funny, y/n!"

"Whoever is controlling you is crazy!" Hort said. You then drank a potion as the wound slowly healed up, "there... done" as you slowly sat back up. 

"what was that?!" Lesso shouted.

"healing potion. Got it from the school of good during one of my errands. Didn't knew it would come in handy" you said.

"dammit" the voice came back.

"your little plan didn't work" you said mentally.

"y/n, you really need to tell me what's going on. No hiding from me, please!" Lesso begged.

You sighed, "alright..."

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