35. (2nd Book)

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It has been 7 years.

In the first few years, you had your fun as a teenager with the two Deans as all of you played archery, had a tea parties, had story telling, day and night adventures, weird moments, played tricks and pranks, arguments and many more.

However, moving on, you had your own adventures as well. You learned the ways of both schools and being the new school Head Master. Not only that, you also have been working out. Increasing your magic's power, knowledge and control. I would say you had an amazing glow up and lesso was loving it while dovey was supportive as always.

Additionally, you and lesso have been married for 2 years while the balance between good and evil have been wonderful ever since you took over as you taught the new students that came to the school. You even got quite the reputation as the school head master and even in some fairy-tale stories. You were everyone's favourite villain as always, becoming a legend in the process.

As for friendship, just as promised, you and your friends have been sending letters to one another and you also have received other letters from the others such as Tedros and Beatrix, sending in their own letters through out the years. You have went for your friends' wedding and so did they came for yours. You even went to Beatrix's Ball when she became queen and even Tedros's wedding.

Time really did fly fast. Everyone has their own lover and life and everything was perfect as it should be and as for Hort, well, he became your personal werewolf, however, he chooses to stay as his werewolf form most of the time and as for that Rafal, well, you already killed him. He was of no use to you anymore.

Anyways, today marks another day that another generation comes and learn at the two schools. You were getting excited as to see what (finally) your friends' offsprings and other villains' and heroes' offspring had to offer and what they have in store.

Just as before, the Evers came in with their carriages while the Nevers came in, being dropped by that same bird. Nothing much has changed except for their own fairy tale ending, choose to write your own story or continue in your parents' footsteps.

While students from either schools got ready and settled in, you were having a meeting with Lesso and Dovey in your tower.

"it seems like my kids are settling in nicely" Dovey smiled as cheerful as ever.

Lesso snickered, "i wonder which side will win this time round. What do you think, my love?"

"we'll see. May the best school win as always" you said in your low voice as you were sat on your chair and played with your magic.

"who knows, maybe it'll be evil again this time round" Lesso giggled.

"I have a positive feeling that good will win this time" Dovey said.

"and why do you think that?" Lesso titled her head.

"because the King's son is here" Dovey pointed and Lesso walked towards here, she scoffed, "like father like son"

"aren't you excited, y/n? Your friends offsprings are here" Dovey said.

You turned your chair, facing Dovey, with a sweet smile as you got up, "i am, Clarissa, but that doesn't mean I'll treat them sweetly"

"well, you are the school head master, you know best" Dovey smiled and you returned it.

"you know what I find unfair?" Lesso blurted out.

"what?" Dovey looked at Lesso and so did you.

"the fact that you're now taller than me!" Lesso complained and you laugh, "my love, it is what it is"

"I missed calling you short" Lesso rolled her eyes and Dovey teased, "well, look at how the tables have turned"

"we be better get going" Dovey went off but you grabbed Lesso by her hand. Dovey didn't want to stay and see whatever it was gonna happen so she just left.

"hmm?" Lesso titled her head.

"come here~" you pulled her by the waist, "remember when you did this to me all the time?" and Lesso playfully rolled her eyes, "how can I forget? You always blushed when I did it"

"how could I not? You had more dominance over me"

"and i even made the evil troublemaker go all soft for me" you scoffed at her words, "don't forget how you always freeze when i was around" she giggled.

"and look at you right now after becoming my wife. It's your turn now" you smirked and she chuckles, "yeah right"

"hmm?" you did that voice that could just made her melt in which she did. Ever since you grew back then, your dominant aura had arised and lesso was loving it yet hating it, "i hate you" she said softly.

"and yet, you still love me, m'lady" you then kissed her on the lips and she kissed you back. The kiss was soft and gentle at first but you went down to her neck as you brought her closer to you. She started to whimper as she threw her head back, giving you more access. You picked her up and led her onto your desk with your lips still intact with her neck.

"y/n.." she was panting and whimpering and you just loved it whenever you top her. She pushed away gently, "we can't. The students are waiting"

"oh please, they can wait a little longer" you winked at her before taking her clothes off as you continued to kiss her on the lips. As you did so, she continued to whimper.

"let me hear you, my love" you said as you slowly went down to her boobs.

"fuck.." as she moaned. Her pants was still on so you decided to tease her as you rubbed her clothed pussy. She moaned even louder, "y/n..." you continued to tease her as she arched her back. You stepped away and smiled. She looked at you frustrated as she panted, "why did you stop?"

"the students are waiting" you giggled.
Lesso rolled her eyes and brought you back into the kiss, "the students can wait" she copied your response earlier. You smirked at her, "i like that response from you, mommy" you winked at her before continuing the kiss as you pulled down her pants. She stood back up, still kissing you, as she took out her undergarment before you placed her back on top of your desk.

You didn't want any longer as you placed your fingers inside of her and you just kept going roughly as she moaned loudly, "fuck.. y/n..."

"you're reward, my love" Lesso couldn't answer you back but with just moans as she finally came, "shit.. wasn't expecting that"

you kissed her on the lips one last time as you used your magic to clean up the mess you two made, "i just miss that beautiful voice of yours" you said, earning a punch on the shoulder from her. You chuckled as you used your magic to help her get dressed, "now you should really go. The students really are waiting and so is that ball of sunshine"


"and always have been" you winked at her before she left. You sighed happily, "i love that woman"

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