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As I opened my eyes, I found myself lying in a beautiful forest.

I thought to myself, "was I in heaven?" but it couldn't be

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I thought to myself, "was I in heaven?" but it couldn't be.. i don't remember myself dying or did I died crying? I laughed at myself for thinking that way but then reality hits me back.

I looked around to find myself alone, no one else in sight. Not even a single animal or insect. Just me and plants and trees and flowers. Pretty flowers.

I thought you might have sent me here since you knew how much I love purple flowers but then again, it couldn't be. You were having fun with being pure evil... and your love for me wasn't at all true.

I tried to use my magic here but to no avail either. I looked around to find a way out maybe but the forest seems to be like a loop.

That's when I saw someone coming towards me, a girl. You squinted my eyes as she came into the light. When I could see her clearly, I asked, "and who are you? what are you?"

"nice to meet you too, Leonara Lesso. I'm the storian"

My eyes widened, "you? You're the storian?" and she nodded, "in your world, we take in the shape of a quill. In here, we choose what we want to be. This is my world. Above your dimension, we are the story writers of all the fairy tales in the world"

"wait... you said story writers. You mean there's more of you? Annoying you?"

"rude as always, Leonara Lesso. Yes, there's more of us. Each of us story writers, write the many stories of the fairy tale world, taking a few stories per storian. As for me, I'm currently writing yours"

"mine?" and she nodded, "you sure didn't hit your head or something?"

"yes, Leonara. Your story. As you know, we, storians, choose the best to write stories about them and teach and guide the outside world, earth. You have been chosen"

"rewind back. I'm in your world. So you were the one who sent me here. Why?"

"tell me, Leonara. Do you love y/n?"

I scoffed, "what are you trying to say here?"

"answer the question"

"yes, I love her"

"how much"

I gulped before answering, "a world where she doesn't love me back is death to me. i crave for her everyday, her touch, her love, her voice, her... I'll do anything to have her back in my arms again. I'll fight for her because.. she's my home.. my goal"

"I see" the storian then raised her elbow up, right before she was about to snap her fingers, "you will be given a second chance to make things right for her"

"wait, before you snap, why are you doing this to me?"

"as I've said before, this is your story that I'm writing and I want to see how this works out" and with that, she snapped her fingers.

I felt my whole world crash down as I opened my eyes again and there you were right infront of me again..

"y/n, daughter of maleficent" you said. You still had that magic seal box around you. Did I just get sent back in time?

you will be given a second chance - storian

I looked around my surroundings and realised that I was back to where we met. The storian really sent me back...

"if you really have to make a speech grandma, make it quick"

it felt like as if it was yesterday that I saw the real you, the sweet girl that you were before you were corrupted by pure evil. if the storian really is giving me a second chance, I better make the best of it.

I made my quick speech and there you were, not listening as always when we first met. Time felt like it flew so fast as I made my way to the stage beside Clarissa.

"we have amazing students this time year around" Clarissa said happily.

"for you, it may be" I scoffed.

"oh come now, don't be a sore loser. I'm sure evil will win one day" Clarissa tried to cheer me up. I already know the ending of it and now, I'm going to try to change it but how?

as you made your way, just like before, all eyes were on you due to the seal. We each introduced ourselves and each school said their own chant while you sat there and said, "well, now I know who's the Lady and who isn't"

Afterwards, I let everything played as it had before, and i'm here just dumbfounded looking at you, wanting to hug you, wanting to kiss you... but i can't...

You had went with Clarissa to have a private talk about your feelings. I chose not to do what I did before and that was to follow the both of you. I did it earlier because I was jealous but now that I know.. I left the two of you alone..

Then the time came when I found you and your friends in the museum during break day. I did as I had before and went in, "call me for what exactly, Dot?" Everything went as according but only this time, i paid more attention to you, to your actions.

You were focused on the wall. I called out for you, "what are you doing?"

"nothing, m'lady" you gave off a cheeky smile. How i miss you calling me that...

"all of you just get out of here" I said strictly and they did as they were told except for you. You stood there as if you were waiting for me to do something.

"and why are you still here?" and you just shrugged. It got me to realise that you had always been waiting on me if I came.

"m'lady, have you ever been in love?"

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