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After the Nevers Ball, while everyone else made their way back to their dorms, with yawns and tired faces, you and lesso went on to your date. She closed your eyes as she brought you to who knows where. As she took her hands away and you opened your eyes, "woah! This is something!"

"you like it?"

"like it? I love it! What is this place?" you look around the place in awe before looking at your girlfriend.

"it's a hidden garden"

"does dovey know about this?"

"nope. To be honest with you, nobody knows about it but me. I sometimes come here to clear my head"

"it's so cute how the dean of evil comes to the beautiful, majestic place, to clear her head"

lesso smiled as she took a sit on a nearby bench and you took a sit beside her as you leaned against her and her arms around you.

"Lesso, i want to apologise"

"apologise? For what?"

"for making it so difficult for you. I know it wasn't easy and I'm sorry for that. I just.. My head was in a mess and everything was so new to me and-" Lesso shut you up with her lips on yours.

"it's okay, you were worth the risk. And also from now on, that's how I'm shutting you up" she winks at you.

"I can get use to that" you smiled.

"look-" you both said it at the same time and paused to laugh.

"okay you go first" you let lesso have the first say.

"I don't want to hide it from you. You see, the storian actually helped me, helped us. Before this, you chose to rule all and spread both pure evil and curse love to the outside world over our love but then the storian gave me a second chance and here we are"

"huh... the same thing happened to me" Lesso faced you as you faced the floor, "i remember doing that and the storian told me that I can't have everything even if i tried so it gave me a second chance and let me decide what I really wanted" you then face lesso and smiled, "and I finally found my answer" Lesso caressed your cheek, "it saved us both, my love, and im glad it did"

"can I kiss you again?" Lesso asked and you chuckled, "don't have to ask" and you leaned in. After your kiss, you leaned against her with her arms wrapped around you.

"now, remember, this doesn't change anything about your role as a student here. continue to be the troublemaker that you are but not too much trouble please. This doesn't mean I'll take you very lightly"

"and here I thought I could have more fun" you teasingly said and earned yourself a hit on the head by yours truly.

"you're lucky i love you"

you snickered, "the Dean of Evil having a sweet soft spot for one of her students, how adorable is that" Lesso rolled her eyes in response. The both of you watch as the sun set and you feel your eyelids getting heavier as you fell asleep.

"thank you for choosing me, my love" she kissed your forehead before carrying you bridal style, to your dorm room. She opened the door and your friends watch as she laid you down on the bed. She then gave them a death stare, "take care of her"

"she must have really enjoyed herself to be that dead asleep" Dot said, smiling and happy for her friend.

Hester stretched, "well, I'm off to bed too. Today, was one of a hectic yet surprisingly fun day" as she got onto her bed.

"right, we were under a puppet spell. How cool is that" Anadil said as she too got into her bed.

"and guess what. the sad part is that school continues tomorrow" Hester said as she closed her eyes.

"yeah but it'll more fun with y/n around" Dot giggles before dozing off.

And it was fun. Days and Nights has passed and before you knew it, 3 years had flown by and it's finally graduation day. During the ceremony, everyone was being congratulated one by one and some were picked by the storian for their own adventures and stories while others continued on their normal lives with their families. As for you, you were announced as the new School Head Master. Even though you were the new Head, you were still allowed to continue your own little adventure(to be free like a child) while attending to your duties.

Regardless of the outcome, everyone was happy in the moment. They all have learned, laugh, and cried together as both school. Nevers and Evers may not have gotten along fully but there were times that they did get along. As it was their last day, Nevers and Evers went to each other's schools to explore and maybe have a few photos for memories.

Everyone went back to their own dorms and started to pack up for their leave to go home. As you and your friends pack, you started having the feeling of sadness.

"I'm gonna miss this place" Dot said.

"you can always come and visit. With me being the Head, you're always welcome" you winked and the four of you got into a group hug and continued packing afterwards. After everyone was done packing, all the Nevers and Evers met up at the dining hall for one last meal together.

"hey, remember when you first came to this school with that seal around you?" Dot started the story telling and all the Nevers joined in.

"we had our own little small fun with you in that seal" Anadil said as she continued to mimic you, "there will be no show and tell as long as I'm in here" and all the Nevers laughed.

"oh and when hester's fiery dragon bounced off your seal?" Dot said and everyone laughed.

"or that time when I got my first kiss by Hester" you then turned to Hester and she rolled her eyes, hiding her embarrassment, "oh shut up"

"remember when you seduced Beatrix?" Hester said. You nodded with a smirk on your face, "i think it got to her because during the Ball, i could feel that Princess's gaze especially today" as you and the Nevers turned to face the Princess. She was blushing and everyone just giggled.

"it seems lady lesso has some competition to fight" Anadil teased and you chuckled.

"no. remember you turned Beatrix into a frog and how you caused chaos and brought fear to Evers?" Dot said.

"that was when I got free, didn't I?" and she nodded.

"oh~ I got one. Remember when you showed your talents. Both exciting and boring?" Hester said as she raises her eyebrows both up and down, teasing you. You covered your face in embarrassment, "don't remind me"

"who knew the dark side had a soft spot" one of the Evers said and everyone started teasing you as you continued to hid your face.

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