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"actually, I did"

"you did?"

"yeah.. I fell in love with a man and I thought he was my true love but then he was just using me to get everything for himself. I was loyal and loved the wrong person"

"and now?"

"you're really nosy, you know that?" Lesso raised an eyebrow and you giggled, "and now, I've fallen for another but i dont know if she loves me back"

"it's a woman? who? is it dovey?"

lesso chuckled, "and why would you think that, little troublemaker?"

"you and dovey are always side by side, always laughing, teasing each other so I just had that thought"

Lesso placed her hand onto your head as she looks into your eyes and thought to herself, "if only you knew.." before saying, "focus on your studies and yourself, will you"

"you sound like dovey" you faked gagged, earning a hit on the head by lesso, "ouch"

"such a troublemaker"

"it runs in the family" you grinned from ear to ear. The both of you just stayed as you were and continued enjoying the star gazing. Later on, you fell asleep and fell against lesso's shoulder, causing her to blush. Missing your touch, she leaned against your head with one hand on your leg.

She was getting comfortable when she heard wolves coming. She laid your head down slowly onto the log as she got ready her cane to hit them. As one wolf was about to pounce, it bounced off and a green wall glowed.
She looked back at you and whispered, "clever troublemaker" Lesso sat down back as she placed your head onto her lap and started stroking your head slowly. She wished it could stay like this forever.

She couldn't hold it in longer so she decided to say these words since you were asleep, "i dont know, maybe I should have said it before but here I am, willing to be with you, willing to fight for you, hoping you wouldn't fall into the trap of pure evil again. I don't just love you because I thought you would be evil's savior. I fell in love with you because I want to be with you, I need you, I want to know more about you, I want to live with you, I want to be your pain and your joy. I want to be whatever I can for you. I hope that this love I have for you isn't a mistake like the one with Rafal. I love you, and I hope you would give me a chance to prove it in the years to come.. my love.. " she kissed you on the forehead.

"did you really mean all that?"

"you're awake?" Lesso asked as you got back at up, "it's hard for me to fall asleep but did you really mean what you said? that you love me for me?" and she nodded. You scoffed and she was shocked by your reaction.

"don't look at me like that" you look at her with tired eyes.

"like what?"

"like you could ever love me. You love the idea of me, you don't love the real me" you said coldly and lesso was just stunned to speak. She didn't even realise when you used your magic to steal the key from her and unlock the magic yourself, "y/n..."

You leaned in closer to her. Your finger glowed as your eyes glowed red, "see, you're already afraid. you know what this is, don't you"

"why would you think that?" you can sense the fear in her voice.

"you've been watching me very closely ever since. You know I have the gem, you know what magic is this, don't you?"

"how do you know that..."

"I saw you in the tomb with me. I'm not that dumb. I live up to my reputation and secondly, you loved Rafal. I've heard of him before I came to this school" you said as you swayed your fingers with blood magic infront of lesso's face, "you don't want me to fall into pure evil's trap but looking at your face, it seems I already have. Like I said, you love the idea of me, not the real me"

Lesso pushed your hand away, "y/n. I can't lose you again!"

"again?" you titled your head in confusion.

"I want to love the real you but you won't show it to me. You put on this show for everyone else. Show me the real you and prove to me that I can't fall in love with the real you" Lesso said in frustration as tears fell down her cheeks, "how did it come to this..." Lesso thought to herself.

"you want to know the real me?"

"show me" Lesso was dead serious but you were hesitant, "your hesitation just proves to me that you're as afraid
as I am. You're afraid that I would hate you if you showed the real you"

"Lesso, I..."

"don't hide it anymore. break that wall of yours and fall into my arms. be the real you, be free from all your fears and let me be there to catch you when you fall. Others may not see what I see in you but that's okay. I'll be your shield when you need it" Lesso says as she cupped your face in her hands.

"what if im just like Rafal? Just another love to break you?"

"you mean like a curse love?" and you nodded, "y/n, your destiny lies in your hand. Its your choices that make your destiny. If you choose to bring a curse love to the whole world, then so be it but just like you told me, you want to live in a world where you live with love and trust and friends by your side. If that's really your wish, your desire, your dream, then make it happen. Don't let anyone stop you from hiding yourself. You're more capable than you think, y/n"

"but i am a cursed love..." Lesso finally got you to confess.

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