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"now for baby y/n" Lesso smirked before continuing, "she doesn't show it as much but she does it fully during that time of the month. That's why you don't see her during those 7 days per month"

"ohhh~" all the girls said.

"she needs attention just like a baby, so her actions can be unpredictable at times like how she needs to hold onto my hand almost the whole time, she whines a lot when she doesn't get what she wants and she even pouts a lot too" Lesso said.

"oh~ and how are you feeling now, sweet little girl?" one of the Nevers teased and you just gave them a death stare.

Everyone then went silent as sadness showed on their faces and you took the first say, "I'm gonna miss having you all here. This place won't be as fun when you all are gone"

Dot started crying, "don't say like we're going to die" and she went over to hug you and you patted her. It didn't take long for the others to start crying too.

"we're gonna miss Lady Lesso so much" all the Nevers said as tears flowed down their faces, "and we're gonna miss Professor Dovey" all the Evers said as tears flowed their faces as well. Dovey just went to hug her kids while Lesso was hesitant. You nudged her on the shoulder, "just do it"

Lesso rolled her eyes, "hurry up before I change my mind" she opened up her arms and all the Nevers ran to her and they all hugged. You went out of the way so they could hug lesso. You couldn't help but to cry as well.

"aww y/n..." Hester said.

"what? I just got dust in my eye" you said, trying to play it off as they all cane to you and hugged you, "we're gonna miss our school's troublemaker" Anadil said.

You couldn't hold it in anymore and just let it all out and they hugged you even more and closer, not wanting to let go either, "i dont want to see any of you go" you pouted as the tears flow down like a waterfall.

"we'll always visit, right guys?" Hester said and all the Nevers nodded, holding back their tears too.

"you promise right?"

"of course, y/n. Friends from now on and forever after" Dot smiled.

"you guys better make evil win or im gonna start chaos" you pouted as you crossed your arms and everyone just giggled.

As the day came to an end, everyone awaited their flight back homes. Nevers waiting for their literal flight home back while the Evers waited for their carriages.

Dovey, Lesso and you waved goodbye to each and every one of them as they left. Even the Evers gave you hugs and thanking you for making their experience and journey in this school a memorable one.

"you better not ruin that dress and accessories we gave you" Beatrix said.

"I'll keep it clean and safe like my life depends on it, and don't forget to invite me to your ball when you're queen" you gave her a kiss on the hand and winked at her.

"it was a great journey with you, y/n"

"likewise princess" you waved to her goodbye as she went into her carriage. Lesso raised an eyebrow at you, "what? I'm just being nice"

"maybe a bit too much" Lesso said and you immediately looked away as you cleared your throat.

"see you again, y/n" Tedros bowed and you chuckled, "farewell, Prince Tedros" he then bowed to Lesso and Dovey before leaving as well.

Before Hester, Anadil, Dot could leave, you shouted, "wait" and ran to hug them. With them, you felt the most sadness. They were there for you from the start to the end so the bond you four had was unbreakable, "let's make a promise to write letters to each other"

"promise" Hester was holding in her tears as the four of you did pinky promise. It was ridiculous but it was very much needed.

"I know I never say this but I'm really thankful and grateful for you guys. You were there for me through everything. We had our fights but regardless, you stayed with me. You helped me in so many ways I can't even explain and I... I love you guys" you said with a smile and teary eyes.
The four of you hugged for the last time.

"hey, what about me?" Hort frowned. You smiled and hugged him, "be a bad puppy for me, alright"

"of course, your majesty, and whenever you need your trusted werewolf friend, just give out a howl"

you chuckled, "i wont exactly but i know what you mean" you gave him a final playful punch before he left.

"do all goodbyes hurt like this?" you asked as you looked at them leave. Lesso wrapped her arm around your shoulder as she rubbed it with her thumb, "not all but the best ones always hurt the most like now because you never ever want it to end but nothing last forever"

"you just got to keep living on for each other even though you won't be seeing each other as much as before but the memories you have will always live on. So live for them, just like how they will for you" Dovey gave you comforting words.

"I don't like this..." you said softly as you looked down.

Lesso sighed before bringing you back in, "it'll hurt but after a while, you'll be okay as you get distracted by life and when the memories hit back, you'll cry but in a good way and you will smile. Before you know it, you will meet them again"

"I hope you're right" you looked at lesso, "and when am I ever wrong?" you giggled, "sometimes you are"

"did anyone tell you that you were annoying?"

"just you and Dovey and a few Evers" Lesso giggles as she shake her head.

"let's have some fun. We have years before the next generation comes in" you said with a big smile as you took Lesso's and Dovey's hand.

-The End-

A/N: believe me when I tell you I was crying when I wrote the goodbye of Hester, Anadil and Dot with y/n. Idk why i just did

Anyways that's the end of their story but I'm continuing a second story from this story.

I'll be continuing the journey in this book so enjoy :}

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