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Lesso looked at you for a second before ripping the necklace away because it was the necklace that got you under his spell but it didn't work. Your eyes were still red and Rafal laughed, "you fool. the necklace isn't the source. the spell has been sent into her, there's nothing you can do"

Lesso took a deep breath in before starting out, "y/n... can you hear me? it's me, Lesso. I know you're in there somewhere and I know you can fight it. Please, y/n, you were the love that came unexpected. i didnt want to but you somehow keep coming back to my mind. you make me crazy at times but sometimes, you make me the happiest dean in the world. Come back to me, my love" as lesso said those final words, she collapsed to the ground, being tired due to the spell.

"how pathetic... True love can't save you. Evil doesn't get true love. I thought you above all should know that, Leonara. You are as much of a disappointment to me back then as you are now" Rafal chuckled before attending to you, "let's continue, my dear. You're almost there" 

Lesso was already so tired, she couldn't get up again. She felt so helpless as she watches you continuing the spell.

The magic of the gem then gave out a strong wind, similar to a tornado. Rafal was getting excited but his happy face quickly turned into a frown as he watches you absorb the magic of the gen, "what are you doing? You were suppose to give it to me!" Rafal pushed your shoulder so you will be facing him, "master.. " your eyes glowed red, "it seems your time here has been expired~"

"no!" Rafal shouted before attacking you with blood magic but you managed to bounce the attack off, "you created me, you gave me the powers I needed. The power of maleficient, of hades, blood magic and well now.. pure destruction... I might just be the number one villain after all" you smirked.

Rafal took a step back but you picked him up, squishing him with blood magic, "you're time has come to an end and it's time for me to rise. My destiny, my choice to make" you smirked.

"don't you forget, child. You're a part of me. Killing me means killing yourself" Rafal chuckled as he tried to breathe.

"oh please~ even after I kill you, I may suffer mildy wounds but I won't die" you smiled before looking to Lesso, "you were right, m'lady. I am evil's savior. Everyone will bow down to me and only me"

"no... she's been possessed by pure evil now..." Dovey said softly.

"I guess I have you to thank for as well" as you used your magic to drag Lesso towards you, "you knew I was after the gem and you just let it happen. You wanted me to be evil's savior so badly" you chuckled, "well guess what, you got your wish, congratulations" you laughed.

"tell you what. imma be generous" you got everyone free from Rafal's spell. The Evers were placed in cages made of blood magic while the Nevers were free. They shook their head, as they were shocked to see what was happening.

A strange man and Lesso being held up while all the Evers were in cages.

"y/n.. What's going on?" Dot asked.

"bow down to your queen" you snarled.

"what do you mean? what's going on?" Anadil said as she looked around.

"y/n.. why are you hurting Lady Lesso?" Hort asked. You rolled your eyes, "Hort, be a good boy and come here" your eyes glowed red and in a blink of an eye, he turned to a werewolf and went by your side. "I said bow down!" you screamed as you used your magic to make all the Nevers kneel before you.

"you could have just continued using them under the puppet spell" Beatrix muttered out loud by accident.

You glared at her as you titled your head, "and here i am wondering how you're an Ever" you chuckled with a sarcastic grin on your face.

"I'm just saying that your idea was stupid"

"and you, my dear, don't see the bigger picture" you were unimpressed by her, "maybe that's why you're an Ever. The dumbness of your brain is just so amusing to me" you then created a throne for yourself as you said down, smiling.

"oh don't cry, lesso. you'll watch evil win. the victory you have been wanting so badly"

"it's not that. it hurts to watch you like this. my love.."

you fake pout at her, "time for storytelling" as you went to sit down back on your throne, "see~ Rafal had one goal and that was to get out and gain all power but he did had a setback when he created me" your eyes glowed red, "he wasn't wrong when he said i was his most greatest creation, i mean look at me" you chuckled, "creating me means having the same intentions as him. To rule all, however, I was bound by him so I had to follow by his rules, by his orders" you rolled your eyes, "but he has forgotten.. i have my own emotions.. my own intelligence.." you smirked, "and so i tricked every single one of you into thinking I was this evil child who had a fragile innocent heart and now I'm finally free"

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