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At the dining hall, heads were turning towards you as you made your way to your allies and took your seat.

"what took you so long?" Anadil asked.

"Lesso" you answered with one word and starting taking a bite from your food.

"were you in trouble?" Hort looked worried and Hester hitted him on the head, "ouch"

"she just had questions about me, just like how i presume you guys have as well" you took a bite of your apple as you took a glance at each of them.

"we may have a few" Dot said and you gave them the green flag and the other Nevers started surrounding you.

"so.. when we first met, you couldn't even touch anything before that. when did you corrupted the seal? " Dot asked.

"earlier in uglification class. so now I can only touch certain things like animals and objects" you explained.

"so that's why you were sleeping" Anadil said.

"it's ashamed though. Good always defeats evil" as you took another bite from your food.

"how did you make your hair burnt up? It was like hades, just a different colour" Hort asked and you just looked at him.

Hester looked at you in shock, "don't tell me.." and she started laughing,, "maleficent married hades" you nodded and she started clapping.

"making you, the daughter of hades as well" one of the Nevers said and you winked. The Nevers then started to squirm.

"you know what would be so much fun?" you said as you ordered them to come closer, "to find a way for me to get out of this magic seal so the fun can finally begin" you smirked and the Nevers looked at one another in excitement, "we'll do our worst" they said and you liked that response.

"what is wrong with them?" one of the Evers said, "they look like a bunch of kids"

You then brought your gaze to Tedros who was already looking at you and you smirked, getting a jealous Beatrix in returned. Wanting to play, you then  sent a flying kiss to Tedros and Beatrix went ballistic.

"that's it!" and she stormed over to you, "stop looking at him! he will never fall in love with a Never. he's the next heir to the throne and he won't let such a harm threaten us" as she slammed her hand onto the table.

you smiled and rested your hand on the table and your chin on your hand, "well aren't you a hopeless romantic~"

you then stood up infront of her and looked down on her, "i could be a better boyfriend than him, if you would let me, princess" you were seducing her and it was definitely working as she stuttered out, "don't be absurd!" and she walked away. You chuckled and the Nevers started laughing. You looked over at Lesso who was watching you, you smiled and shrugged before taking back your seat.

You knew you were in trouble and yet, she can't do anything about it due to the magic seal box so you could do anything to your heart contents.

"back to the topic at hand, how do we get this out?" Anadil asked as she looked around the box.

"something powerful that's what" Dot said.

"if it was made of pure good so to undo it, it needs to broken or opened up again by pure good" hester then knocked on hort's head once more.

"no shit werewolf"

"im just saying. maybe something like the fairy godmother's wand in the cinderella story" Hort said as he rubbed his head.

You looked at him with big eyes, "Hort!"

"yes ma'am?!" Hort shouted out, scared of your raising voice.

"you're slowly starting to be my favourite" you smiled at him and he was happy. Hester rolled her eyes.

"and where is this magic wand? It's not like it's in this school" hester scoffed.

"i need to ask" you said and their ears were ready to listen.

"will you help me get out of this seal with my plan? in return, I'll make this school less boring" you managed to strike a deal with them since you were the daughter of two most evil powerful villains in the world.

you smiled as you got them wrapped around your little finger. it's a pity how their standards were as low as to such seeing a little of naughty excitement that gets them hyped up. poor souls...

"alright, now what?" hester said in annoyance.

you looked at the other Nevers first, "I'll let you know when you're needed" they nodded their heads before going back to their seats, obeying their new leader.

You then went back to your so called mini squad, Dot, Hort, Anadil, Hester.

"just you, hester" you answered Hester's question by looking at somewhere. She shifted her gaze and she look back at you with huge eyes.

"what is it?" Dot asked.

Hester went closer and whispered, "lady lesso?!"

"what!" Hort shouted and the three of them shushed him.

"you're trying to pursue lady lesso to get you to the wand?" Anadil said and you nodded

"well, good luck with that" Hester said sarcastically.

"I'll be rooting for you" Hort said.

"such a loyal puppy" you said seductively and he was happy. Hester chuckled, "such a simp for y/n"

"jealous?" you looked at her, "no why would I be jealous?" Hester replied back and you just shrugged.

After lunch, everyone went to their next classes. Your allies wished you luck except for Hester as you walk up to lesso.

"i seem to have piqued your interest" you leaned your right shoulder against the wall with your arms crossed.

"you got popular on your first day, of course it would have caught my attention. Its not like everyday I get a powerful student such as yourself in my school"

you nodded in agreement, "true and I never thought to find such a hot lady in this school" your eyes never leaving hers.

"get back to class" Lesso ordered.

"and what if i refuse? It's not like you can do anything to me. As long as I'm in here, I'm safe" you smirked knowing you won this argument.

Lesso sighed, "just get back to class"

"alright" you smiled before walking the wrong way. Lesso frowned her eyebrows, "the school for evil is this way" and you shouted back, "I know" as you were headed to the school for good.

"y/n, stop!" you didn't listen but to just continued walking, "alright fine! please stop" and you did. she then stood infront of you.

"my oh my~ I didn't know the Dean of evil had to beg"

She adjusted her tie, "you little troublemaker~ tell me, what do you want?"

"you" you looked at her seductively.

"don't play with me" she glared at you, not bowing down to a lowly child.

you knew about her past and everything but it didn't mattered. you had a plan and a destiny to fulfill so you just had to do what needs to be done.

"I'm joking" you laughed, "i didnt know you would be so so cold, leonara" she looked at you in shock.

"how did you know that?"

"does it really matter how i know? i mean being the daughter of two most powerful villains has its perks like how i predicted that i would be sent to some magic school and here i am. I was right"

lesso could agree with you on that, "alright. what do you want to do now?"

"how about a tour of the school? I want to know every single room in this school especially the doom room" you smiled and lesso agreed.

"i see you have a lot of free time on your hands"

"it's not everyday I get a special student here but don't get use to it"

"wasn't planning to" you smiled and you followed lesso as your tour started.

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