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Your hands behind your back and you walked beside lesso at all times as you got your grand tour. You had an impressed look on your face as you browse around, not wanting to make this bad for lesso.

She then brought you to the doom room. The room you have assumed and surprisingly was real. Lesso opened the door and let you in first, "this is cozy" as you looked around.

"cool weapons~" as you ran up to them like a little child. Lesso had to admit that it was adorable to see you that way.

"alright im done" you went back to emotionless face.

"that's it?"

you nodded, "the doom room ain't so bad as it seems"

"you're a hard egg to crack" Lesso scoffed and continued on with the tour.

You studied her face as how she explained everything in detail and even went on about the school for good, knowing well that you would have asked about that school.

She brought you to the museum. Now this really impressed you. Every villain story item was here such as the poison apple from the evil queen that tried to poison snow white, Jafar's snake looking stick, the staff and cards of Dr. Facilier and so on.

"this is the museum from all the chosen students before you who had their own adventures but sadly failed to win"

And there's where you assumed about cinderella's fairy godmother wand in the school for good. If the school of evil had a museum, surely the other side has the same.

you smiled and thought to yourself, "jackpot"

"and im hoping that you will be one of the chosen students to have your own story and be the first villain to win after 200 years" this time, unintentionally, you were drawn in by lesso's pretty eyes.

"I'll do my worst" you said weakly. she walked pass you and you shaked your head afterwards after you realised you went all soft for awhile.


she turned around, "hmm?"

"may I ask you a personal question?"

Lesso titled her head, confused as to why, you suddenly acted so politely but regardless, she nodded her head.

"do you really think i could have my own story?"

Lesso sighed. She can't believe she's going to say this, "yes I do. With your abilities so far despite being limited by that seal, you're doing well. I'm proud of you" she felt it was right to say it since you grew up without a mother nor a father.

You stayed silent and Lesso left you there in the museum. You then went up to your mother's casing. Her staff and the spinning wheel that she had made to send sleeping beauty to a deep sleep.

You placed your right hand onto the glass as you stared into it, "you weren't a villain, mother, you just loved the wrong man. you weren't born a villain, you were made into one.." you sighed, "what am I saying? you aren't my real mother anyways" as you looked down on the floor, tear rolling down your eyes as you cried, covering your mouth so you won't make much noise.

"what is this?"

You were confused as to why you had these weird feelings. You never had any feelings but happiness for destruction your whole life. Why only now this feelings were formed?

Little did you know, Lesso was hiding in the dark, listening and watching you. She couldn't help but feel bad for you. She couldn't believe it herself either when she wanted to give you a hug but remembering about the seal, she stopped herself.

Curse || Lady Lesso × fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now