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Lesso went over to your dorm. She knocked before turning the knob. Seeing the three girls but not you, "where is she?"

"she isn't here" Anadil said.

"she can see that..." Hester whispered to Anadil.

"well?" Lesso raised an eyebrow.

"she wasn't here when we woke up ma'am" Dot answered.

"if you see here, tell me" and with that Lesso closed the door.

"why did that felt so scary?" Anadil said.

"I know right.... I kinda like it" Dot said.

"do you think they had a fight?" Anadil titled her head as she got her dress out of the closet.

"maybe, y/n always freezes when lady lesso is around" Dot mentioned.

"soft spots" Hester chuckles.

While everybody was getting busy, Lesso went over to the boys to find Hort.

"has any of you seen Hort?" and she received shaking heads.

"do you think he got in trouble?" one of the Nevers said.

"i wouldn't be surprise if he was sent to the doom room after she finds him"  the other replied with his arms crossed.

Lesso searched and searched for that boy, "ugh, how hard is it to find one idotic boy?"

"looking for me, ma'am?"

"there you are" Lesso turned to find Hort confuse and dumb as ever, "have you seen, y/n?"

"i did-"

"where is she?!" Lesso demanded.

"not.." Lesso got mad and pushed him away, "get out of my sight" Lesso snarled. Without a second thought, he vanished.

Lesso was preparing for the worst, "she couldn't have...", she was getting second thoughts of her love for y/n.. is this something she really had to fight for? or was this really just another heartbreak she had to endure..

Lesso then started heading towards the Nevers Ball. The last time you had arrived to the ball, that's when you unlocked your powers but now since you already did, Lesso was still hoping to see you there and she wasn't wrong.

The Nevers were having their moment of happiness as they talked and danced while Lesso was at the side, watching.

Hester, Anadil and Dot notices the sadness in Lady Lesso's eyes. It's easy to put on a brave face but the eyes never lies. They decided to approach her but they stopped halfway as the big doors opened up. Everybody frowned their eyes as they watched two figures walked in. It was you, walking hand in hand with him.

"who is that?" Hester said

"y/n's plus one?" Anadil said.

"couldn't be.." Dot said.

Lesso was holding back her tears, "no.." Lesso went infront to approach the both of you with her students behind her.

"hello there, Leonara" Rafal smiled, "missed me?"

"hardly" Lesso snarled.

Rafal smiled as he didn't want to waste any more time so he uses his power to trapped all the Nevers in thorny branches, made by blood magic, none of them could get out, nor could Lesso helped them.

"y/n?" Lesso looked at you, hoping to find at least some hope in you, but it seems you finally chose your side. You looked at her with no emotions.

"don't even try. She's chosen her side"

"fine, she's yours" Lesso's heart was breaking but she knew no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't change your mind, you finally chosen and accepted your fate.

"aww, don't be sad, leonara. After all, you did told her...

If you choose to bring a curse love to the whole world, then so be it

and she finally chosen her side" Rafal smiled. He then made his way towards the center with you as you casted your spell, freeing them as you made everyone your puppets one by one and their eyes turned red.

"it's happening..." Lesso muttered under breath.

Just like last time, everyone turned towards the center as you and Rafal were in the middle and you were casting the finishing spell onto the gem. Lesso had almost given up hope when she got pulled away. Rafal turned to find that she had disappeared but he couldn't care. Lesso wasn't a threat to him anyways.

Lesso realised she was being dragged while her head was being covered with a bag. She used her magic and the two people and the bag was off her. She stood back up to find her two wolves, "what's the meaning of this?"

"here to slap you back to reality" she turned to find dovey, angrily stomping. Lesso titled her head as she frowned her eyebrows, "Clarissa?"

"h-how are you here? Didn't Rafal trapped you?"

Both of Clarissa's eyebrows raised, "oh?! So you knew he was here? And you told no one?!"

"it's- it's complicated"

Dovey sighed, "i managed to hide before Rafal trapped all of us in that blood magic puppet spell"

"saving yourself?" Lesso chuckled, "the Dean of the school for good, scarificing her students, how good is that?"

Dovey sighed, "i did that because I knew that the only person to save us all is you"

"me? What can I do?"

"love, true love"

"pfft please" as Lesso rolled her eyes, "Nevers don't get true love. It's repulsive..."

"you say that, Leonara, but eyes and heart tells otherwise. I know what you have for y/n is love. I know y/n isn't pure evil, i saw it. She saved a kitten and she loves you. She told me. Why can't you believe her?"

Lesso snapped, "because she's giving the power of pure destruction to Rafal right now in that Ball Room!" Lesso then placed both of her hand on her cane, "she has chosen her side. She chose pure evil over everything else. There's nothing I can do"

"Leonara Lesso!" Dovey shouted and she dragged Lesso by the wrist back tot he school for evil, "now shh" they both hid behind the pillars as they watched you, "she's under a spell lesso"

"how can you tell?"

"just keep looking at her eyes"

Lesso was getting annoyed but just followed what Dovey said. It showed how your whole eyes glowed red, similar to the Nevers, just not full. It's just glowing...

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