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"and how did you became a Never?" you crossed your arms as you said.

"the king casted us out and my father is planning on revenge so he sent me here to help him"

"by killing the King's son?" and he nodded.

His head was down the whole time he was talking to you, he was embarrassed, "look at me when you're talking" you said strictly. You breathed out, "if you want to achieve your father's goal, you better start stepping up" you said harshly.

"yes ma'am" you patted him on the shoulder before continuing your class.

"now, let's see how you guys deal in combat. Your power makes half of your strength but let's say, somehow in your adventure, your powers are not at your will. You will need to depend on your own self strength" you took a step back and made a puppet, "defeat him"

"i don't see how we can defeat him. It's made by you. Who knows what you put in him" one of them complained.

"exactly, my point. You don't know what your target has that you don't. So you need to depend on yourself" you said and he scoffed, "I don't see why you're whining like a little baby. If you're too afraid to do it, just tell me" you knew you got him fired up as he approached the puppet. However, he lost.

"you tricked me didn't you! You're controlling him" he shouted at you and you smiled, "the puppet has its own mind, just like the scarecrow. Unless you want to beat the scarecrow instead?"

"watch me!"

you smiled, liking his confidence, you made the scarecrow, still on his stick, appear infront of him. He started to approach it, "wake up you dumb pumpkin!" He looked at you dumbfounded and you gave him no expression in response. He got annoyed and went back to his friends but when he did, his friends faces turned pale.

"what's with your faces?" and with that, his arm was chopped off from the scarecrow, "ugh what the?!" he turned around and got smack in the face by the scarecrow. Before the scarecrow could harm the others, you used your magic and put it to sleep back on its stick before it poofed away.

"as I said before, don't let anything fool you. Confidence and courage can only take you so far" you sighed in disappointment before carrying him with your magic and made your way out of the forest.

As you closed the door of the blue forest behind them, "enjoy your lunch" before leaving them. You were in your tower, helping the child when the door burst open and you knew who it was so you didn't bother to turn.

"you're killing one of my students again?"

"oh my heavens..." Dovey said in shock.

"i didn't kill him. The scarecrow did" you said as you finished up.

"what does she mean by again?" Dovey looked at you.

"y/n did a combat with one of the students, the other one got injured by a pack of wolves" Lesso explained as she placed her hand on her hips while the other resting on her cane.

"are you serious?" Dovey said.

"look at the bright side, evil still won. They just take time to blossom" you said as you rested on your chair behind the desk, "relax clarissa, it's not like your kids are injured"

"it just proves how much work we need to do this time" Lesso said.

"you two can be the worst at times"

"that's why she's my queen" you winked.

"honestly you two" Dovey rolled her eyes before attending to the child, "is he going to be okay?"

"his arm is gone but he'll be fine"

"you are unbelievable, y/n"

"I am evil after all"

"you sound just like Leonara back then" you giggled at the compliment that Dovey gave you.

"what about you, Clarissa? How's your kids?"

"they are just wonderful angels. The boys as well, even Tedros son"

You nodded in response before speaking, "is he just like his dad?" you gave a disgusted look and Dovey nodded. Dovey then gave you a warning to stop killing your kids before she left the tower and you just chuckle.

"something is telling me you know something that I don't" as your wife sat on your desk with that seductive smile of hers.

"have i ever tell you how hot you are" you titled your head with a smile.

"multiple times" she smiled at you back. She took your chin, lifting it up in between her fingers, as she leaned in closer, "what are you hiding, you troublemaker?"

"will I get a reward if I do?" she kissed you on the lips, "well?" with her seductive low voice.

"there is a boy in our school. Ace"

"Tedros's cousin's son right?" as she moved back.

"yup. Apparently Tedros kicked his cousin and his family out of the kingdom and now, they are out for revenge" you explained.

"so he brought his son here to kill the King's son?" and you nodded.

"i didn't think Tedros would actually do something like that" you said in disbelief.

"people can be unpredictable, my love. You above all should know that"


"we don't know their story as much but everything will fall into place. That's how the fairy tale world works, remember?"

you sighed, "leonara"

"what's wrong?" she got worried when you called by that name.

"can I get a hug?"

"aww my poor baby" as she brought you into her arms as she rubbed your back.

"well, aren't you two adorable"

"the child has awoken" Lesso whispered into your ear as she pulled away but you immediately pulled her back into the hug as you used your magic to shut the kid up.

Lesso chuckled softly, "now what is this? It's rare to have you like this"

"like what?"

"like a cute little baby infront of a student"

"well, this baby needs affection from its mommy regardless of who's around" you brought her closer to you as you buried your face.

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