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"wait, how did you know that?"

"because I'm not Clarissa" Dovey said and Lesso looked at her in disbelief, "uhuh..." the figure of Dovey then changed back to the figure of the girl that Lesso saw in the other world, "storian?"

"save her, Leonara" and with that the figure disappeared. Lesso looked down, regretting what she felt earlier. She went forward and shouted, "you son of a bitch!"

"woah, language~ tsk tsk" Rafal said as he turned around to face her.

"you manipulated her like what you did to me! you placed her under a spell, knowing deep down that she can kill you any second" Rafal was rolling his eyes as Lesso shouted out her frustration.

"oh please, I created her. If she ever killed me, she'll be dead too"

"no she won't"

"pfft please. I know that you know about her past, her owner, her rightful master and creator. I was there. I was the kitten" Rafal used his magic and created a ball and showed the scene from the kitty point of view, "i was there to help her get out of that seal, i was there during her naps, i was there.. when you brought her to the blue forest. What? You think a kitten was surprisingly just up there in a tree?" Rafal laughed, "oh Leonara, this is why we weren't a prefect fit"

As he slowly walked up to her, "i know i didnt create her fully but i made her alive. She may have chosen to side with you in the end but i did what needed to be done for me. For pure evil to finally rule"

Lesso got pissed and choked him with her right hand, "you're just pathetic"

"y/n..." Rafal struggled to talk.

"Hort" you said his name and before Lesso could react, Hort was already pinning her down.

"ugh" Rafal fixed himself up, "who knew a werewolf would come in handy and a loyal one too"

"don't be such a simp, Hort" Lesso scolded him but to no avail, he was even under your spell. Rafal kneeled down, "she's mine now. Deal with it" he said before returning towards you.

"y/n!" Lesso decided to give it one last shot, "i know you're in there! Fight it! Fight him! For me, for us, for all of us! Please y/n! You're my future.. my goal..."

Rafal scoffed, "pathetic" he then turned to you as you turned to him with the gem fully at its peak to whoever is the next owner to hold all its power, "that's a good girl, y/n" Rafal smiled as you passed him the gem. Lesso's eyes widened as she watched.

"finally! It's mine!" Rafal felt as it's power rushed through his vain. He decided to test out his new powers on Lesso but when he tried, nothing happened. He tried again and nothing. He turned to you in frustration, "what did you do?" he growled.

"you really thought you won?" you looked at him dumbfounded. He screamed as he carried you with blood magic, choking you, "what have you done?!" you struggled to reach for your neck and it send burning sensations to his hand as he fell to the his knees. You fell onto the ground with your hand on your neck, breathing for air.

"the- the true power of the gem could only be transferred to its rightful owner. You knew that, that's why you kept me around so you could have a part of it. So what you felt was bits of the actual power" you breathed out.

"you ungrateful bitch! I made you alive! And this is how you repay me?"

"Well, I'm not exactly in your debt but I still gotta thank you for that"

"you..!!" he grabbed you by the neck again, "you're choosing love over pure evil! Do you realise what you could have done with all that power?!" he squeezes you hard enough before throwing you back down to the floor. After all, you're not that pure of evil to actually kill him.

"maybe you need a reminder~" he looked over at lesso as he glances at you with a smirk. He placed his foot onto both of your hands so you won't be able to do anything but to watch as he carried Lesso with blood magic, squishing her, "your decision, y/n. Stay with me and she will live or have it the other way around. Your choice!"

"fine! You win! I'll stay by your side?"

"as my bride?"

"your bride? I thought love-"

"make us weak? Yeah I lied. Love can make you the most strongest yet weakest being alive. Be my queen, with love and pure evil, and leonara.. She'll survive"

"fine!" he then brought you closer to him with blood magic as he wrapped his hands around your waist, "will you be mine, my love?"

you wanted to refuse but looking at lesso while she's in pain and Rafal squishing her more and more by the second, you agreed.

"wonderful~" he smirked before forcing his lips onto yours.

"now let her go" you demanded. He smiled at you as he stabbed a knife into Lesso before dropping her, "no!" you shouted as you rushed to her.

"oops, my bad" he said sarcastically.

you held her by her head as you cried, "no no... this isn't what I wanted... You can't.. This can't be happening"

She caressed your cheek as she said weakly, "you did your best. It isn't your fault. You were manipulated and tricked by him. You couldn't have known"

"you were too weak to do anything, that's what" Rafal said from afar.

"I love you, y/n. Now and for ever after" she said as her eyes closes.

"no... No!" you cried as you brought her closer.

-The End-

- Or is it? -

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