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As the sun rises, you yawned as you stretched. You stayed in your bed for awhile before getting up. You washed yourself up and got ready for the day. You had a lot of work to do yesterday after sending your wife off.

You felt like there was a story coming up but you couldn't put your finger around it. Either way, it was just the second day. Not enough information. You knew the storian knows because it's the storian but you know it won't tell you anything much.

You have had your conversations with it as you practically live with it now. You told it good morning and it replied back the same before you left. To you, it was like a pet parrot.

As usual, Hort was waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. You never asked him to but he has always done it. You felt bad after knowing why, "you know, you don't have to do any of this"

"you're my friend and my master in a way. Just be grateful that I'm your trusted werewolf"

you sighed, knowing nothing will change his mind but there was one thing you could do, "let's walk together in your normal form"

"no ride today?"

"I just want to" Hort listened to you and returned to his normal self as the both of made your way to the dining hall. You were about to open the door but Hort stopped you with his hand on your forearm, "hmm?"

"just be prepared"

"for what?" you chuckled

he looks at you dumbfounded, "oh my god. Are you really that oblivious to this kind of things? like still?" you frowned your eyebrows in confusion. He just shake his head in response, "nevermind" he took his hand away as you went in.

And when you did, all eyes were on you instantly. You had your cold aura on as you took the food infront of you with your magic and took a bite from it.

"how was your errands without being an owl for the first time?" Lesso approached you.

"it was different but yet, I learn something new" you said before putting the whole thing in your mouth.

"are you showing your nice side to dovey's kids?"

"she told you?" and Lesso nodded, "yeah I did. I just thought of trying it one more time. I mean I love being feared by but I wanted something different you know..."

and dovey continued as she stood beside you, "...but you didn't think the kids would be so bold"


"well you were very charming to them" Dovey said as she looked down at the food, thinking on which donut to get.

"and what do you mean by that?" Lesso asked in jealousy.

"well-" Dovey was getting so ready to say it but was interrupted by an Ever princess.


"hmm?" your cold aura turned into nice as you hummed in response, sweetly.

"could you come over for awhile?" you looked at dovey at first and so did the Princess. Dovey didn't say anything but to give you that you know what you did look and before you knew it, you were dragged by a child. Was this your punishment for being nice? You couldn't tell.

The Princesses moved aside as they guided you where to sit and so you did, "what is this all about?"

"we wanted to talk to you" one of the Princess smiled.


"your love life"

"you kids are so bold" you said it coldly but deep down, you may have been concerned for them.

"we have heard about you from our parents and we finally got to meet you face to face. We couldn't pass this opportunity up" the other explained.

"I see but don't you forget, princesses, don't cross the line. I can be nice when I want but I am still your school head master and a Never"

"we understand and promise" one of them said in behalf of the others.

"what does our school master have that we don't?" one of the princes pouted.

"hotness that's what. Can't you tell?" the other beside him said.

"I think I'm falling in love" the other one across him said.

"what about you, Vincent?"

"isn't she like taken or something?" Vincent said.

"yeah but it doesn't hurt to have some feelings" one of his friends nudged him.

"I guess" Vincent shrugged it off as he continued to eat his food.

"earlier on, we heard about your wife. It has to be professor dovey, isn't it?" one of the princesses said in excitement.

"we apologies for our rudeness. We love you but after hearing that you were married, well, we got excited"

You were about to answer when a Never girl approached the table, "her wife is Lady Lesso!"

"no, it is not!" one of the princess stood up to the Never and before you knew it, the other Nevers came over, both boys and girls. That one child that got his arm chopped off, "oh please. I saw them cuddling each other. It's obviously lady lesso"

"and how would you know that?" one of the princesses said.

"were you spying on them?" the other said and the other princesses got disgusted in response, "ew!"

"no! I got my arm chopped off and ms y/n brought me to her tower and fixed me up and that is when I saw it!"

the child wasn't lying. He did saw the whole thing and even if he was, he did had proof that his arm was chopped off but yet the Princesses refused to listen, "liar. was anyone else with you?"


"then you're lying. You don't have a witness" one of the princesses said.

"oh please, as if lady lesso and Ms y/n would show their love so openly" one of the Nevers said in defense.

"ms y/n was looking at professor dovey when she said the word wife" another princess said.

As the kids continued to argue, you turned yourself into a snake and slidded away. It's not like they would notice. They were too busy arguing. You slid away towards Lesso before turning back to your normal self as you whispered to her, "i don't think they read our book, my love"

"you think?!" you just kept quiet, "and what about this wife thing?" she raised an eyebrow.

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