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Your friends woke up to not finding you on your bed either.

"do you think she's okay?" Anadil said, worried.

"you don't think Lady Lesso tortured her that badly?" Dot said.

"couldn't be.." Hester said as she looks down. They knew the rage of Lady Lesso, so who knows what she could have done to you.

They immediately got out of their beds and went straight for the doom room, only to find you not there. They went to the dining hall, and you were there, eating breakfast with Hort. They rushed to you.

"you look fine.." Dot said as they sat down.

"why wouldn't I be fine?" you titled your head as you ate your strawberry.

"weren't you sent to the doom room?" Anadil said.

"i was?" you acted surprised.

"she was?" Hort was surprised.

"you weren't?" Dot said, still concerned and you just laughed.

"it was fun" your eyes glowed.

"you're crazy" Anadil said and you responded with a smirk, "have you even met me?"

You played with hair and in just a few seconds, "and in 3...2...1..." you were counting down but the four of them were confused. Their heads turned as the big doors of the dining hall, bursted open, to reveal the worried Dean of Evil.

"look who's worried" you joked as you smirked, "have fun without me today" you told your friends and went to Lesso.

"everything alright, m'lady?"

"i can't believe you just left me"

you crossed your arms, "I'm not officially yours"

"i guess yesterday wasn't enough for you, huh" as she raises an eyebrow.

"no need" you took her by her hand and walked away.

your friends were shocked to see you do something so bold. they knew you two liked each other but still..

"lady lesso must really love y/n if she's gonna let her do that" Hort said, Dot & Anadil just nodded.

"wait, how did you know they like each other?" hester looked at everyone in disbelief, "why am i the only one who keeps noticing this things?!"

"y/n told me" Hort said with a straight face.

"so she told you but kept it from us?" hester frowned her eyebrows.

"oh don't get jealous. she told me when I was still under her spell. like she needed someone to talk to"

"and when did she meet you?" Dot titled her head.

"mind communication" Hort said.

meanwhile, you were dragging lesso by the hand, "where are we going? I'm in heels you know"

"you're already tall so why are you wearing them? I'm tall and I'm wearing flats"

"you're tall?" she chuckled, "pfft please, you're short"

"m'lady, I'm only a few metres shorter than you"

you finally brought her where you wanted. She looks down at you and you had such a big smile on your face, "really?"

"mhm" you nodded your head in pure joy, like a child, really wanting a toy.

"my dear, you brought me here for what exactly?"

"to spend time with you" you smiled.

"my little troublemaker", she leaned close to you, "the blue forest, is not a playground. it's filled with danger outside of the school walls. why did you think your friends and I were mad when you sent Hort in there"

"firstly, i didnt send him there. He went by himself. Second, I roughly know what's in the blue forest since I saw it in Hort's eyes when I placed that spell, and lastly, it's gonna be fun, come on~"

Lesso tried to talk it out but you just wouldn't listen, "don't tell me you're scared~" Lesso adjusted her tie,"don't flatter yourself" she took off her coat and you gotta admit that was hot.

"ready?" you didn't even let response and just dragged her into the blue forest.

"woah, this is really something" you said as you looked around.

"god, i love you" as lesso pulled you closer to her by your waist.

"what is with you and waist pulling?"

"want to be pulled by your hair instead?"

"no, thank you, waist is fine" you nervously chuckled. you kissed her and she kissed back, "i never knew I could be so addicted to someone's lips"

"I'm honored to be the one, then" she smiles at you but you got distracted by something, "oh, look pretty flower"

"wait, y/n that's-" the flower snaps at you but you cut it off by its stem, "the definition of beauty can kill you... how boring" and you walked off.

you then came across a scarecrow, "what's so scary about this scarecrow?"

"a scarecrow by day, a killer by night"

"a killer by night, huh" you took its axe and turned around, "i guess its only scary during the dark" the scarecrow then turn to life, smiling as it was about to attack you. Lesso wanted to help but you turned around in time with your green eyes, "you will listen to your master" and it did. It kneeled infront of you and you smiled.

Lesso tried to catch her breath, "i guess I underestimated you" and you smirked at her.

you kneeled to its level, "killer by night, huh, do better next time" you smiled before standing up. you gave its' axe back and it went back to its post.

"will you control me like that one day?"

"depends, if I like mommy actions, then sure" she takes note, "i know how much of a bottom you can be"

"i am not"

"I beg to differ on the bed" and she scoffs.

"wait, what's that?" you just run off like a child and Lesso was in disbelief, "my goodness, this child"

"I didn't know there's a cliff here"

Lesso who was trying to catch her breath, "and i didnt know you could see that far" she then went to take a seat at the nearby log.

"sore legs?"

"you think? I'm in heels",,, "if you're trying to make me breatheless, there's another way to go, you know"

you laughed, "i know" as you went back to enjoy the view.

"I've seen a better view than this"

"you have?" Lesso said, still catching her breath and you nodded.

Little did the both of you know that the cliff was unstable and you were standing right on top of it.

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