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"how's your mother?"

"she's good, thank you"

"you got your mother's looks"

"thank you"

"I better go see how the other students are settling in" as you stood up.

"will we have a nice talk with you again?" one of them asked and you thought for a second before answering, "we'll see. If you girls are good, just maybe" and they all squealed in delight.

As you left the classroom, Hort frowned at you, "what is it now?"

"I didn't know Beatrix had a daughter" Hort said but then he saw you look at him in all seriousness, "that isn't Beatrix daughter"

"what do you mean?"

"someone is pretending to be her daughter"

"but why? Because Beatrix is a single queen?"


"hey, if that person is pretending to be someone to get close to you, it could mean danger" Hort looked at you in concern and you found that sweet.

"relax. I was joking"

"what?!" he screames as he gave you a punch on your arm and you laughed.

"Beatrix adopted a child and now she's here"

"how dare you lie to me"

"weren't you the one that said you knew my every little movements?" you quoted what he said earlier.

"oh shut up" he didn't have any good comeback but to just roll his eyes playfully.

"haha come on" and you walked off.

"but what's her name?"


"like beauty and the beast?" and you nodded, "i mean its a good name though. Beatrix means she who brings happiness while Belle means beauty. I like it" you explained as Hort nodded his head.

You then headed to dovey's class as you hid behind a tree and watch her teach her class. It reminded you of back then when you were a student here as you came to the school for good as punishment..

During your years as the Head master, for some reason, you just didn't come back here. You just never did till now. An idea then popped in your head and you whispered to Hort, "Hort"

"your face is telling me that you've got an idea and it's something that I won't like" Hort showed a worried face.

you playfully rolled your eyes, "later on, you're gonna dip your finger into that water"

"but why?"

"because I want to know your deepest desire"

"why can't you just spell me?" he pouted in anger.

"it's more fun this way"

"ugh" he groaned, maybe a bit too loudly, as everyone turned to the both of you. You nudged him, "way to go..."

"oops" he said sarcastically.

To be honest, this was the first time that Hort had followed you with your errands in the school for good. He has always done it in the school for evil but whenever you came here, he just stayed out. You asked him why once but he never ever gave you an answer but just a shrug. You didn't want to force it on him so you just let it be.

"y/n?" Dovey said and you just waved from where you were standing, "why are you there? Come out. My kids don't bite unlike Lesso's"

You smirked as you placed both of your hands in your pocket and walked up to them, "haha very funny, Ms Dovey"

"what are you doing here?"

"my regular personal errands around the school"

"errands? I didn't know you had them"

"well, I would normally be flying(an owl) to not cause a distraction but I had my puppy with me so I couldn't. I apologise for the disturbance" you bowed down and you could tell the girls were loving it.

"now don't go fawning over Ms y/n unless you want your head being chopped off" Dovey said it as a warning.

"are you taken, Ms y/n?"

"how bold of you to ask, Princess, but just call me y/n" you bowed again to her and she liked it. Such a gentlewoman, "and yes I am taken" you smiled at her as you said.

"and who's the lucky person?"

"I would say I'm the lucky one" and the princesses started to squealing.

"alright now. Enough with the chit chat. Let's get back to where we were" as dovey snapped her fingers.

"will we be able to talk to you again?" one of them whispered. You leaned in and whispered back, "just maybe, in the dining hall, i don't think my wife would allow it but we'll see" and the princess just gave you a nod. The other princesses overheard and they all looked at each other and nodded as if they had a plan or something. Dovey cleared her throat and they focused their attention on her.

You went off first, not wanting to continue being a distraction. You realised how bold these batch of kids were. All the other previous batches just admired you and didn't say a word to you unless it was about asking a question in class but this batch really surprises you. They are bold in asking about romance and your personal life.

"or maybe it's because you showed your charm and funny vibe to them?" Hort said out of nowhere and you looked at him, "what? I can read you sometimes remember" he winked at you in the funniest way and you chuckled.

"do you really think its because of that?"

"who knows. You showed this side of you once to that batch and yet, they didn't even spoke a single word to you"

you chuckled softly as you remembered that batch. you rarely show your other side as you want the students know that you mean all business and you were serious with being the Head master but once you did show, the students still were afraid of you. Only now, it's different.

"who knows. You can be unpredictable at times too, y/n"

"haha very funny" you then remembered what you wanted to do as you dragged Hort, "oh no.." he muttered under his breathe as he thought you had forgotten about it.

The students and Dovey had gone so you took this opportunity and placed his finger into the water. Hort was hesitant but you did it for him anyways. As you watch intensively, you were shock yet not...

It was you and Hort in a relationship. You looked at him, "i thought you stopped having those feelings..." you said softly as you look down.

"I thought too at first when I left the school on our last day but afterwards, you never left my mind. I was no use to my family so that's why I came back to you. Yeah, you only saw me as a friend but you were my only friend that truly understood and tolerate me. I thought being around you just as friends would rub off this feelings but it never did"

"so when me and lesso got married.."

"yeah.... but someone once told me that if you really love someone, their happiness is the only thing that matters to you, be it if we are a couple or not. So your happiness is mine too, y/n. That's why I always follow your orders around here"

"and here I thought you had no self awareness..."

Hort chuckled, "i was like that once but you helped me grow as my friend and look at me now. A different Hort yet still the same deep down. Thanks to you"

"I'm sorry for not realising. It must really hurt.."

"don't apologise. You and Lesso belong to each other. I'm not trying to sugar-coat or anything but I'm really saying genuinely"

"thank you, Hort" you hugged him. He hugged you back but only for a short while as he pulled away, "now we don't want the students to see their cold head master like this" you giggled.

Hort stood up first as he reached out his hand out to you. You took his hand as he pulled you up, "let's go" he smiled at you before sending you back to your tower.

Afterwards, you had a wonderful dinner with your wife for her birthday as you spent some time with her before sending her back to her castle.

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