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"you... you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me!" Rafal shouted.

"that is true. That's why I say, it's thanks to you that I'm here but yet, you were dumb enough to fail. Look at you now, Rafal" you chuckled as you stroked the werewolf(Hort) on his head.

"so all of that was a lie? our love was a lie?"

"you said it yourself. Nevers don't get true love but you wanted to believe it.. for us.. my love" you sarcastically said.

"no.. this isn't you. You're being controlled by pure evil.."

"hypocrites. talking about being pure good or pure evil. You're all just hypocrites. None of you are entirely purely good nor evil. Pathetic. I'll show you pure evil"

"what about your feelings you told me? I'm sure not all that was a trick"

you raised an eyebrow, "aww how adorable of you, Clarissa. Still trying to think positive here" you sarcastically clapped for her, "you see, my destiny wasn't to just follow Rafal. My destiny..."

"a curse love.." Rafal said out loud as you titled your head to him with glowing red eyes and a smirk, "bingo"

"a curse love?" Lesso said.

"why do you think you're hurting right now? why do you think everyone who had fallen for me is in some shit right now? I am a curse love. A love that curses all to hell.. "

"so you're doing this so you will expand your curse love towards the whole world? That's why you want to rule all" Dovey said and you winked at her, "bingo"

"i just had a hard time finding the gem so i needed time. Knowing that if I unlock my powers, the blood magic will run in quick, raising your suspicions especially Leonara over here" you looked at Lesso, "you fell in love with Rafal, wanting to help him, wanting to prove to him that you were evil enough for him. Thinking he was your one true love" you smiled as you tapped your right hand on her cheek.

"then what were you before you unlocked your powers?" Dovey asked.

"unlocking my powers, was the blood magic in me. the bonus was the magic of maleficent and hades. every fairy tale child has a limit bound to them so I was this weak child. A weak y/n but when blood magic was finally mine to control, well, i bloomed into a beautiful butterfly. The real me" you went back to Lesso as you brought her down on her knees "so you see, m'lady, the person you fell in love wasn't me but her" you used your magic and portrayed yourself as your old self, "my love.." she thought to herself.

"so the girl I fell in love with.. was all just an illusion?"

"oh, don't look at me like that. Trying to look into my eyes to find her. Of course she was just an illusion. Your heart played you as much as I did"

"why throw away the old y/n?"

you turned to lesso as you titled your head with frowned eyebrows, "hmm?"

"the old y/n. She's a part of you isn't she. She may be the caterpillar and you're the butterfly but it doesn't change much. You're still the old you deep down. The girl who wanted to find herself, to find love that wouldn't hurt others, the sweet yet evil troublemaker you were. you may say she's an illusion but you know yourself, deep down..."

"like Rafal said, you really don't know when to give up" you clicked your tongue.

"obviously I don't. I promised y/n, the old you. I promised that I'll be there with her every step. I'll keep trying and trying and fighting... just to get her back home safe" the fear and stress in lesso's voice broke not only dovey's but also all the Nevers and Evers hearts. The Nevers and Evers may never had gotten along but the one thing they all share, is their love for someone, be it, a family member, a friend or just a pet, getting crashed and squashed to pieces.

You squatted down to her level(since she was still on her knees) with no expression on your face,
"and the old me promised you that I'll be evil's savior. Now here's my promise to you from the new me..." you lifted her chin up with your magic, "that you'll watch as pure evil and curse love take over the world. Good will not win for another 200 years or more"

"all this just to fulfill your destiny?"

"pretty much"

"but you can write your own destiny. Why settle for this one?"

"because I want to-"

"but do you really though? Is this really want you desire deep down?"

"don't talk to me like you know me, Leonara Lesso. You never did and never will. Give up already. Old y/n is gone completely. You aren't getting her back"

you stroked her head and she miss your touch so much...

"you're an adult. I'm sure you can handle this" you smiled at her before continuing on, "Nevers.." you chuckled evilly.

"the old me promised you a fun time in school. Now, the new me, promises you a fun and evilish time for 200 years and more" the Nevers looked at each other with grins on their smiles, already accepting what has become, meanwhile, Dot, Anadil, Hester were having mixed feelings but either way, they were helpless against you so they obey your word.

"time for some fun~" you said as you passed each of them a piece of blood magic, "as for you, Evers, and Professor Dovey, you'll stay there as you watch your beloved goodness in the world come crashing down"

"and for you, Leonara Lesso, you can still choose to still believe and fight for the old y/n or give it up and be my queen. Be my side and rule with me. Your choice"

"you're asking this of me just proves that the old y/n is still in there and you're still in love with me" Lesso was tearing up.

You wiped the tears of her face, "don't ruin your beautiful face. I'm asking this of you because you were the one who helped me get to where I am after all" Lesso cried even more as she looked down.

"and as for you, you'll be my loyal servant" you went over to Rafal and turned him into your puppet.

Lesso kept crying silently, trying to think how this all could ended the way it did. Yes, she admitted she wanted you to be evil's savior but she didn't want it to happen this way. All this while, the love, the love she thought she had with you, was all just an illusion, a imagination, a dream... She beated herself up for falling for such love again... and now because of her, look what has become of the world...

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