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You were losing track of time as work and other things came pilling up and it was killing you. Everything would have been fine if there wasn't an imposter on the loose. You were behind your desk as your hands buried your face and rested on the desk, "fuck.."

Apart from that annoying imposter, you hadn't been Jewel, Victor is doing alright as you would visit him from time to time, Ace hasn't acted on any of killing attempts as usual and as for Vincent, still the same Vincent.

As you finished up your last piece of work, you banged the table before resting your back against your chair. As you close your eyes, you started to dream about what happened 7 years ago. Your first chance of taking over the whole world, spreading curse love and pure evil, everything started to flashing back. Your eyes opened wide as they glowed red and you had a hard time breathing, "omg y/n!"

lesso was there when it started to happen as she went to you, dropping her cane as she cupped your face in your hands, "y/n!" having to feel her touch again, you calmed down as your eyes glowed green before looking at her, panting.

"are you okay?"

"y-yeah.." you straighten your posture, "i think I'm just overwhelmed by work" you tried to make an excuse. Lesso was stunned to speak. You cleared your throat, "get me a glass of water, please, my love" lesso nodded before she went to get water but to the truth, as you were in that state, what happened 7 years ago came back flashing back in way to fast. It felt like as if something inside of you was trying to come out.

"here" you dranked the water lesso got for you as you placed it down onto your desk. She gave you a side hug as she rubbed your shoulder with her thumb, "get some rest, my love" she brough you to your bed, taking out your jacket for you, before laying you down.

"im not a kid anymore, lesso"

"you're still my baby, no matter what" as she sat beside you on the bed and stroked through your hair, "just breathe"

"what are you doing here? shouldn't you be in class?"

"my love, it's lunch time"

"is it?"

"stress really got to you..."

"sorry, I'm losing track of time. I thought lunch had passed already"

"oh my..." Lesso sighed before taking a cold cloth and placing it onto your forehead. You hissed at the coldness, "oh don't be a baby"

"I thought you said I was your baby no matter what"

"I know what I said" and you gave a soft laughter, "now I don't want you to think of anything else. Just breathe and relax. Take the rest of the day to sleep"

"but i would be awake in the night by then..."

"you are an owl, aren't you? Owls are night creatures"

"sometimes I just don't know how to fight back with you" and she giggled. She kissed your forehead, "just get some rest. Hort is still fine by the way" she said before leaving. You decided to listen to your wife and close your eyes. Before you knew it, you were knocked out.

As your eyes opened again, you were feeling better. Not as fresh but at least better. You turned to find Lesso getting into her pajamas. She got in bed, beside you, "you're awake. How was your long rest?"

"not as fresh but i feel better"

"see, i was right, wasn't i?"

"you always are" you gave her a peck on the lips.

"still feeling sleepy?"

"to be honest, no" as you sat up and stretched, "i think i'll go for a night flight"

"okay, my love" she gave you a kiss before you got ready. You were about to turn into an owl, "wait, where is Hort?"

"asleep out there" she pointed and you saw him sound asleep. You smiled in relief, knowing he's safe before turning into an owl and flying off.

As you flew, you remembered back how it felt back then, when you were still a student, oh how you fly through the night and not a care in the world back then. As you flew across the school for good, you noticed Vincent, sitting on a tree as he looked up to the sky. You swooped down and landed onto one of the higher branches. You made a hoot sound so he would notice you.

"oh, Jewel. It's been awhile since anyone last saw you. Ms y/n letting you out for a night flight?" he gave a weak smile before looking back at the stars, "hey, Jewel, do you think it would selfish of me if I didn't want to be king?" you hooted at him and he smiled, "its nice to talk to you too, Jewel. You know, being the future king, i always put up a character that isn't even me" he scoffed, "i-it's annoying" you understood his feelings because you've been there before.


"how is ms y/n like behind close doors? lady lesso was about to reveal it but you made a fuss about it. you do love her, huh" he looked at you. He sighed, "oh whatever, i can't even understand you"


"now, i understand why everybody likes to talk to you. It's not whether they get a response from you, it's more about the feeling they get" he patted the space beside and you went to it, now sharing a branch with him, "such a friendly owl"

"is this normal for you? Listening to people's problem every night?"


"I'll take that as a yes" he giggled.

"how about two hoots, for a no, and a hoot for a yes?"


"okay let's try this"

"do you love ms y/n?"


"do you love lady lesso?"


"do you like chocolate?" he tried a stupid question.

"hoot hoot" he smiled, "i guess you can understand me after all"

"can I ask you something, Jewel?"


"is ms y/n nice? like is she easy to talk to?"


"ah.. I mean, of course, she is. Don't judge a book by its cover.." he got disappointed at himself for a second, "i.. knowing about her story, should I talk to her about my problems?"




"wouldn't that burden the head master?"

"hoot hoot"

"I guess ms y/n does have a nice personality as well"


"do you like us, Jewel? Like do you have fun when you're with us?"

"hoot" as you flapped your wings and he laughed, "i guess you do, huh" you flew down at the bottom of the tree before turning into your normal form. Vincent gasp, "m-ms.."

"shh" you placed your index finger on your lips as you winked up at him.

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