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Lesso woke up the next morning and she didn't find you beside her in bed. When she went out, Hort was already awake as he talked with the storian, "Hort"

"oh, good morning Lesso"

"have you seen y/n?"

"nope. She wasn't home when I woke up. She must have gone somewhere. I thought you would know"

"because I'm her wife?"

"mhm. I mean she tells you almost everything right?"

"you'd be surprised"

"you and her had a fight?"

"no, we didn't. It's just that I get the feeling that she's hiding something from me"

"if it makes you feel better, she hides alot of things from me"


"no, it's okay. I don't mind. You're her wife, it's normal for people to tell their partner more stuff than to their friends"


"don't get me wrong. She's a good friend. She takes care of me and doesn't push me away. That's already good for me"

Lesso patted his head, "why are you in your wolf form by the way?"

"I prefer being a wolf most of the time, makes me feel powerful"

"and what does y/n think about this?"

"she's fine with it. As she says, do whatever makes you feel comfortable."

"I'm glad she isn't treating you like a pet"

"why do you think badly of her?"

"I'm not"

"then why do you say that?"

"y/n cares about you, Hort. Im just glad you can see it because you know how she is"

"I do" they then hear flapping noises. The both of them went into the room and saw you enter from the window, "oh, you're both awake"

"where did you go?"

"to get some fresh air, my love" you kissed your wife on the forehead, "good morning, Hort" as you stroked his head. You look back at your wife who's looking at you with concern, "what's wrong?"

"is there something you're not telling me?"

your eyes then glowed green, "i dont have to tell you everything, Lesso" you then realised what you've said as you covered your mouth with your hands. Lesso raised her eyebrows, "oh really?"

"my love, I didn't mean that"

"you know, you've always kept your cool with me but that... what have you been bottling up inside?"

"nothing, I'm- I'm sorry"

Lesso caressed your cheek, "you know you can tell me anything. I'm your wife"

"I know, my love" and with that, you left without another word.

"it's very rare to see the both of you have a little argument" Hort said.

"well, none of us is perfect" and she went to get ready.

"and I'll just wait for you outside" as he walked out of the room, giving Lesso her privacy.

Time skipped and classes had started. You walked around the school for evil as part of your usual errands. You purposely stopped by where Ace was in a class, watching him have fun as he did spells on his bullies before continuing on with your errands.

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