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The cliff broke off and you fell. Thank goodness, Lesso reacted just in time and caught you by your hand. You were daggling and you looked down, "who knew the cliff was so high up" Lesso used all her strength and pulled you up. She laid down on her back and you were on top of her, so she brought you close, "goddamit, i could have lost you"

"yeah but you didn't"

"how could you be so calm?" she scolded you.

"you could have fallen too, you know"

"I rather die with you. Stop being so heartless" and she brought you into a hug.

"you're willing to save me even though you knew you could have died?"

"of course, you dumbass. why would you think that I'll let you just die like that? I love you, okay" Lesso couldn't help but feel sorry and worried for you.

You looked at her eyes, "im sorry, I just thought... never mind" as you stood back up, helping Lesso up by her hand.

"let's continue our adventure" you smiled at her, acting as if nothing has happened, "when can you walk in those heels?" you used your magic and now her heels were turned to covered shoes, "hmm perfect fit"

"what did you do to my heels?"

"relax, m'lady. It's with me" you made them reappear on your hands before disappearing again and you walked off, wanting to continue your adventure in the blue forest.

As night falls, the two of you were resting somewhere in the forest to watch the sunset. You had your legs crossed and Lesso lying onto of your lap as you played with her hair.

"don't go sleeping on me" you said and lesso laughed, "as if I'm going to let a child look after me"

"hey, I'm not a child. I'm basically adult. I'm 18"

"whatever you say" Lesso then looks up to her as she caresses your cheek with her right hand, "i love you, y/n. Never forget that"

you took her hand, "of course, Leonara. I had fun today, thank you"

Lesso smiles at you. She got up, "the Nevers ball is tomorrow-"

"and you want to have the first dance with me"

"you read my mind" and she kisses you, "it's going to get even darker, let's get out of here" you agreed with lesso as the two of  you made your way out of the blue forest, holding hands.

"you do know you missed out the entire day today even your own class?" Lesso nodded, "I'll do anything to spend time with you"

Lesso sent you back to your dorm and she kissed you goodnight before leaving. You closed the door behind you, trying not to wake your friends up. As soon as the door was closed, you leaned against the door and fell to the floor, "fuck my life" you thought to yourself as you buried your hands inot your knees.

You look up again, knowing what was waiting for you. You went out of your room and head towards the school master's tower. You went in and saw the storian still writing... of course it was.

You looked around the room as you approached the storian. You looked at the book and just stare at it, letting your thoughts sink in.

"looking for me?" you turned around to find the school master.

"master..." you looked down.

"letting down your guard? I'm disappointed" he said in his low voice, "it has seems you have went soft" he scoffed.

"master, i...."

"listen to me, y/n" he places his hands on your shoulder, "this puppet of my brother won't last long any longer. i need you to release me soon" your head was still down and you were still silent.

"y/n, what have you found?"

you sighed, "this" and the gem appeared. the school master's eyes widened, "you found it"

"i knew you wouldn't let me down. well, what I are you waiting for? Set me free"

"about that... my powers aren't fully at its potential yet"

"what do you mean?"

"I may or may have not... unlock it yet"

"what?!" he screamed. you closed your eyes as your eyebrows frowned with an annoyed face, like a rebel child having a lecture from her dad.

"why not?" you couldn't look at him in the eye, "it's about her, isn't it?" and you nodded.

"my dearest, she's just using you and you know that"

"but she.. she saved me.." you finally look at him.

"y/n, why do you think she loves you? she's using you. she knows your the savior of evil so she uses her love tricks on you, after all, you do have a soft spot"

"how did you know that?"

"my child, you were created by me. there is nothing that I do not know about you. do this for me?" you gulped, "but-"

"it seems you need a reminder to not let your guard down again" as he passed you a necklace.

"what is this?"

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"what is this?"

"it's for you, my dear. this necklace will help you remind you of me and your duties"

"yes, master"

"that's my girl and remember, blood magic, runs in your veins as well. you release me and you'll get the full feel of it", you nodded, knowing what needs to be done, "alright, off you go. You have a big day tomorrow" he said it like a proud father.

As the door slammed behind you, you sighed as you dragged yourself back to your dorm. Your eyes were down the whole time, heartbroken perhaps.

Lesso noticed you were coming from the other direction, "y/n?"

you looked up at her with tired eyes, "oh, lesso?"

"where did you go?"

"just wanted some fresh air. what about you?"

"i forgot my heels"

you looked down and chuckled, "it took you that long to realise your heels were gone?"

"oh, shut it" she then noticed your necklace around your neck, "where did you get that?"

you touched it, "oh this. It's my mom's. I know i never knew her but for some stupid reason, ever since learning about my feelings, it kind of calms me down" you lied. you had to.

"ah I see"

"oh right, your heels" you made her heels appear and she caught them with her hands, "goodnight, Lady Lesso" as you closed the door.

She knew something was wrong but she decided to give you space. It kinda hurt her a bit when you called her Lady Lesso and she spent the night, overthinking. Little did she know, you too was doing the same.

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