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"but i am a cursed love..." Lesso finally got you to confess, "my true identity, a curse love, that brings chaos and pain to those who fall in love with me. That's why I'm afraid to show you the real me because I.. I love you.. Lesso"

"let it all out, y/n" as Lesso brought you into a hug with her chin on your head.

"you said you loved Rafal so you know what has happened to him, don't you?"

"I do.."

"I didn't get this blood magic from him. He got it from my master. The one who was suppose to create me. I was created to be a company to master but he made it where I was a curse love so no one can ever hurt me but then Rafal came. Master was still in the process of making me so i died along with him and Rafal went with his own plan"

"I thought blood magic was more powerful than any magic?" Lesso asked as you pulled away from the hug and showed her the gem.

"the gem of pure destruction. Rafal had it. Pure destruction is the most powerful magic there is. That's how Rafal defeated my master" you paused as you breathed in, "it took me a long time to get into Rafal's head and now he thinks his my master just because he made me but I was the one who freed myself"

"wait... You said Rafal had the gem but why did you find it in your mother's tomb?"

"the gem he had was a fake. It only contained some of the real gem's power because only the true holder can have its full power at will"

"and that person is you?" you shrugged, "seems like it. The previous owner was my so called mother, maleficent, so it only make sense if I can use it"

"but why would you think you're born as a curse love? your master wanted to create you so he had a companion by his side and he did it to protect you. you're not a curse love, y/n. It was just a misunderstanding" she caressed your left cheek with her hand.

"but.. why that everyone who loved me went into chaos and pain afterwards?"

"remember when i say you're more capable than you think you are"

"yeah, what about it?"

"the stronger your emotions, the stronger your power"

"so you're saying my emotions.. that I made them that way with my emotions? so what's with the curse love?"

"I don't think you're really a curse love. It's because you don't understand your emotions well so you think you're a curse live when actually, your master did this for you, so you'll be able to find someone who is willing to die for you. The right lover... " Lesso was mesmerised by your eyes as she said those last three words, "a lover who wouldn't have a second thought about you. A lover who's willing to help you understand yourself more..."

"will you be that lover of mine, m'lady?"

"if you're really truly willing to let me in and love you?"

you thought for a second before answering, "you promise that I'm not a curse love?"

"I'll show you that you're not"

"then my answer to your question is a yes"

"and my answer to your first.." Lesso couldn't wait but to just kiss you, "I'll be that love of yours, my love"

you felt safe around someone for the first time in forever and felt warmth in you as you brought lesso's lips to yours. obviously, lesso isn't complaining. She misses you too.

"y/n... where is Rafal now?" Lesso knows where is he but she can't just tell you the truth of her reliving the past in a way.

"he's still in his prison but a part of him is in his puppet of a brother... the school master.."

"my love- May i call you that?"

"aren't you a gentlewoman? I never knew I would see the day" you chuckled, "you're finally mine, m'lady, i don't see why not"

lesso smiled back at you, the cutest smile you had ever seen, "my love, get some rest. I will talk about something else with you tomorrow" Lesso then carried you bridal style as she brought you back to your dorm as you created a shield so no monsters could get you two as Lesso brought you out of the blue forest.

She placed you down infront of your dorm, "go get some rest and do not meet up with him tonight if he's calling for you, promise?"

"fine, promise, m'lady" you sighed and she kissed you goodnight on the forehead. You went into your dorm and closed the door behind you, "I'm sorry" you muttered under your breath as you left your room through the window.

Curse || Lady Lesso × fem. readerWhere stories live. Discover now