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As you went into the school for good, you were frowning with your arms crossed. yeah, maybe you were pissed at yourself for doing that but somehow stupidly didn't think THAT would happen.. you got mad as you burned a tree down.

"young lady!"

"what!" you turned to find professor dovey.

"this is your punishment from lesso so please don't come and racking my entire place" Dovey said with both of her hands on her hips.

You copied her actions, "well, i am a Never in a Ever's school. So deal with it" you smirked. You had always been that smart evil child but ever since falling in love with lesso, your mind has been going everywhere that you can't even think straight. It's not like your straight in the first place.

"as long as you set foot in my school, you're an Ever now. Now let's head to your first class" as Dovey dragged you to your first class.

"and what would that be, your majesty?"

"beautification" Dovey smiled as you thought for a second before saying, "couldn't be worse than uglification"

Dovey opened the door and introduced you, "now, with that scene you caused, im sure everyone here already knows why you're here so enjoy" she pushed you in and closes the door behind you.

The other Evers gulped as you gave them your glowing red eyes. You just love how you can change it from green to red and you sat down happily to an empty seat.

You looked around, "fancy~"

The teacher, Anemone, then came in with a smile on her face as she lifted up her hands, "alright, girls, just like before, grab those mirrors and bring out your most perfect smiles ever"

Beatrix went first obviously and she got a beautiful star appear on top of her, "beautiful as always, Beatrix" Anemone said, "now your turn, y/n"

You rolled your eyes as you brought the mirror to your face and smiled. Just like Beatrix, you got a star on top of you, and the Evers clapped for you, "really? How hard can smiling be?" you said.

"well, you, Nevers, sometimes don't smile or at all" Anemone said.

"such an interesting fact, Emma" you teasingly said. As you have been known as the troublemaker, Anemone decided not to give you a reaction and continued her lesson.

After that was done, on to the next class, and on to the next, and the next.. and you may or may not have caused some trouble in those classes.. moving on.. The next lesson was professor dovey's. You decided to skip that one and went on to the boys who were doing archery.

"now that looks fun" as your fiery head turned yellow before you went over. Your presence caused the boys to stop what they're doing, "it seems I'm popular"

"how could you not, troublemaker?" Tedros said bravely and proudly.

"boys" you said as you shake your head and approached him, "let me show you how it's done"

"by all means~" he bowed, letting you through as you took the bow and three arrows and shoot them in one go, "you boys are pathetic"

"hmm, who knew a Never could be this good" Tedros wanted to flirt with you and you realised so you stopped him, "no way lover boy. This Never is taken" you smiled at him before getting your ass dragged by the fairies as they sat you down on an empty chair in Professor Dovey's class.

"oh y/n~ how nice of you to drop in~" you continue to give her an annoyed look, "hey! it's your fault that you have been thrown here in the first place so be nice or so help me! I will call lesso again and teach you a lesson you will never forget!" After hearing your lover's name, you cleared your throat and the other Evers giggled at you.

"now, let's continue" Dovey continued on her lesson till the end, "before we end, there's something I like to show you, y/n. Every princess has gone through this, and since you're, might as well" Dovey then gestures to come over and so you did, "now put your finger in"

you looked down so see alot of fishes and i mean like alot and you look at dovey in confusion, "oh don't tell me you're scared of fishes?" one of the Evers said and you responded back, "haha very funny"

"now place your finger in and wish for that one thing that you most desire" Dovey said.

"but how do i know what I really want deep down?"

"just close your eyes and take a deep breath. don't think about anything and let your mind rest as you put your finger in" Dovey said to you calmly and you did as you were told. You hear footsteps behind you but you didn't open your eyes. However, you heard gasps and awes from them and once from Dovey, you got curious and opened your eyes to see your lovely future with your wife, lady lesso, and a bunch of kitties.

You pulled your finger out, "what was that?"

Dovey kneeled down beside you, "These fishes are what we call the wish fish. They wish out your deepest desires of your heart"

"it seems love has brought a huge impact on you, y/n" one of the Evers said. Dovey' class was the last so everyone went back to their dorms to rest while you were still there sitting down. Beatrix came and sat beside you, "who knew you loved kittens"

"trying to tease me now?"

she chuckled, "not really"

you just get the sense that maybe Beatrix was just wanted to get along with you, "it's funny isn't it, seeing a Never like this..."

"well not really. Love does things to all of us right?"

"I guess it does. Never thought I'll get that love"

"well, you did and congrats"

"don't beat yourself up. Who knows, you might find someone else better than Tedros" you nudged her and she giggled, "yeah, maybe"

"oh come on, you're still so young, the right one is out there for you. I mean with a princess like yourself, I'm sure your Prince charming is waiting for you too. You just don't know it yet"

"well look at you~ all wise and modest~" she teased you back, "you're not as scary as you seem to be"

"i try not to be" you winked at her and you could her cheeks turn pink, "tell me, Beatrix, you like me don't you?"

"like you? What do you mean?"

"like you've caught feelings for me"


"you're stuttering"

"I am not!" and you laughed.


"im sorry, is just that I didn't think it would happen. I know you already have Lady Lesso but-"

"it's okay. You can't control how your heart feels but you can control your actions. I know I'm attractive... " you winked at her and she rolls her eyes, "... but like i said, the one for you is waiting for you too"

"hey, since we're getting along now.. can I do something?"

"if you're gonna kiss me, i would say no, Princess"

"no silly" Beatrix took your hand and dragged you to her dorm room.

"and what's this plan of yours"

"time to give you a makeover"

"now hold on-" she didn't let you finished and you were being dragged by the other Evers to the groom room.

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