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"time for class, my love" you said as you woke her up. She rubbed her eyes as you kissed her on the forehead before she got up, "that was a nice nap"

"and now it's time to take care of the kids"

"oh my god, it's like taking care of so many of you"

"I'm sorry" you acted offended, "I beg to differ, my love"

"whatever" she playfully rolled her eyes as she got up from your lap. She fixed herself up before leaving the room and you followed right behind her. In which you did, like a child, you followed her all the way to her classroom. As you did, you could hear whispers from the Nevers but you couldn't be bothered.

You stood at the entrance of her class as she went in. Everyone's eyes were on you and was hers. You and your serious face on, "enjoy your class with the lovely Lady Lesso" you did a funny bow before walking off and the students chuckled as they found you kinda cute, "alright, settle down" Lesso said.

As you walked back to your tower, along the way, you bumped into that Never earlier in the hall, "ah it's you" you said in a deep voice and he gulped, "the what's so cool about owls boy" you could see him shiver in fear and couldn't help but snickered a bit, "just don't say anything bad about owls again and I'll spare your pity life"

"yes ma'am" he reminded you of Hort about how he always says yes ma'am during your school years with him, "what are you doing here?" you asked him, looking down at him.

"I was just heading for uglification class, ma'am" you raised your eyebrows in suspicion before letting him go as you watch him squrry away. You chuckled as it came to your surprise that he came to you and he wasn't in his werewolf form, "look at him.."

"where have you been, bro?" you seem him like a little brother sometimes.

"talking with other wolf guards as usual"

"you know that boy, he reminded me of you for awhile"

"really? How so?"

"how you would say yes ma'am to me and scurry away like that during our school years but now, you're not that coward Hort anymore"

"thanks to you. Oh by the way, he's Tedros's cousin's son"

"huh..." you crossed your arms, "a royal Ever that became a Never. Not bad~" you said but then you heard Hort's stomach growling, "really?"

"hehe" he laughed nervously.

"come on" you walked passed him and he followed you from behind. You brought him to the dining hall as you sat with him with your arms resting onto the table as he ate his food.

"I've got to say, I'm really proud and happy for you. You've got the reputation as the best villain in the fairy tale world, gotten great at this job, amazing wife. You grew alot since then and I'm glad to be here to witness it all" as he took another bite of his meat.

"likewise for you as well, Hort. You were that coward boy back then but now, you're the leader of the wolf guards. Im still glad you kept your silly charms. It would be hella boring if you threw them away"

"you know, we should have a reunion with the whole school soon"

"when everyone's schedule fits, I'll invite the whole school back. Just not for now"

"you're the boss" as he finished up his last piece of meat, "so about your class. Do you think your students will last long in there? I mean evil did win again but those previous students when they were in there, oof. Hard to watch" and you just shrugged it off, "don't get attach to any of the kids, Hort, or you'll go crazy" you teased him.

"im not a little puppy anymore" he angrily pouted.

"well sometimes you are" you copied his movements and the both of you laughed, "well, i better get going"

"you coming?" he then turned into his werewolf form. You got onto him and he started to walk. As you made your way to the blue forest(still on Hort), you found your students already there with Lesso. Hort was a big werewolf, no doubt, the students all gasped.

"how sweet of you to escort your kids here, Lady Lesso" you smirked at her with that seductive voice of yours.

"just don't go killing my kids again"

"and what gave you that idea?" as you went down and gave her a kiss on her hand. She hummed in response before leaving.

"are you two a thing, ma'am?" one of the Nevers said. You ignored the child and started your lesson, "welcome to the blue forest. There are unpredictable dangers as it's out from both schools' walls and I'll be there to guide you"

"and who's that?" one of the Nevers asked, pointing at Hort.

"this is Hort, the leader of the wolf gang. He and I was once students here and now, we're here to teach you, little despicables"

"we're not little!" one of the Nevers said and you chuckled, "we'll see when you get in there" you winked at her before opening the doors to the blue forest. You let the students head in first before you and Hort. As they went in, you heard them gasping.

"follow me" you said as you went infront of them.

"pretty flowers?" one of the Nevers chuckled and you smiled, "want one? Go ahead, take it" the Never was hesitant at first but reached out his hand and got bit by the flower. You used your magic to cut its stem off and the Never immediately took it and threw it away, "what was that?"

you smirked, "snapping flower. Don't let its beauty deceive you. Sometimes the most prettiest flower, can be the most poisonous"

"like you, ma'am?" one of the Never said and you chuckled at her, "how flattering. Moving on"

"let me guess, the scarecrow is just gonna kill us?" one of them said.

"i don't think so. Sometimes the most prettiest flower, can be the most poisonous. I think it's just a normal scarecrow" the other replied.

"why don't you touch it then?" the Never shuffed his friend forward. You just watch as he went to touch the scarecrow. You could even see his hands shaking. As he touched it, nothing happened and the others started teasing and laughing at him.

"a scarecrow by day, a killer by night but always remember. Don't let anything fool you. It could be a killer in the darkness but that doesn't stop it from being a killer in borad daylight as well" you said before walking off and you found it adorable how they kept following you and looking back to make sure the scarecrow wasn't following them. You even heard one of them whispered, "it's okay. The head master is here. We'll be fine"

"alright. Enough with the little chit chat" as you turned to face them, "let me see how strong you guys are without your powers" you used your magic as axes appear in infront of every student, "now chop at this tree" one by one, the students gave it their best shot to swing their axe. Some were weak, some were strong.

As for your friends' offsprings, they didn't disappoint as they were able to hit it with enough force to cause a slightly bigger chops then the others, "i guess evil does run in the blood" you said as you clapped for them.

"i heard lots of stories about you from my mom. How about you almost took over the entire world and-" you stopped Dot's daughter. "just like your mother. So chatty and bubbly" you giggled. You then looked over at the boy, "hey! Scaredy cat! Your turn" he gulped before standing infront of the tree.

"you're the King's cousin's son, aren't you?" the boy lost focused and didn't hit the bark as the axe flew away.

"my name is Ace, ma'am"

"Ace? For a royal?" as you slowly nodded your head with your arms crossed.

"yes ma'am"

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