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you sighed in annoyance as you hated that seal for not being able to use your powers freely. one of your powers were that you were able to sensed someone's presence from afar but due to the seal, you weren't able to and you hated that. everyone just jumping onto you.

"what?" you hissed at dovey.

"it really was a sight to see that the most evil does have a good side somewhere" dovey smiled.

"as lady lesso once said, it's about what we do that makes us good or evil" you were mocking lady lesso.

"and she is definitely right about that. no one is truly good or evil, it's only about their actions"

"why are you just standing there? you know i can just do whatever I want here now" you threaten dovey but..

"and yet, you're still holding onto that little kitten" dovey giggled as she pointed to that kitten who was still snuggling and purring in your arms.

"i-" you wanted to say something bad but when you looked over at the kitten, you couldn't help but to just melt in its cuteness.

"this just shows that you have a soft spot for maybe smaller creatures or maybe just kittens and you won't dare do anything to harm it"

"ugh" you were getting annoyed so you passed the kitten gently to professor dovey before using your powers to teleport back to your dorm.

"woah!" Dot was startled as she dropped her book.

"Dot? what are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same thing to you"

"my question first" as you sat with her on her bed.

"I just skipped class"

"hex class?" and she nodded, "but why? that's like one of the best classes in this bloody school"

"I know..." she paused for awhile, "but i just wanted to read my book" she pouted.

you chuckled and you patted her head. she looks at you with her mouth open, "you... you're touching me.. you're touching me!" she screamed in happiness as she didn't even hesitated to hug you.

"why are you so happy?" you asked confusingly.

"because I get to finally hug my friend" she squirmed as she hugged you even tighter and closer.

you then started to feel a sense of happiness for her? it was weird for you to feel this towards others, "a friend?"

"obviously. I'm not your friend just because you're the most powerful. I'm friends with you because I just really want to. Your cool and fun to be with" she smiled as she lets go of the hug.

"so you're friends with me because you want to? not because it benefits your evil scheme?"

"no silly. I'm just genuinely happy to be your friend" she giggled. She then remembered what she wanted to ask, "oh right, how? when? what? tell me!" she was demanding for answers.

"well-" you were about to explain when your dorm room door slammed open, reveling Hester and Anadil.

"y/n? so you were here the whole time?" Anadil asked.

"oh yea and we can touch her now! See!" Dot took your hand as she smiled with pure joy. You looked at her and back to the other two.

"and how?" Anadil then sat beside you two on the bed. Hester just followed.

"during lunch, I went to the school for good and may have done something and now this seal is off and I can finally use my powers so basically I'm free"

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