Seven Surprises • Chris Evans

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real estate agent/boyfriend! Chris x girlfriend! Reader


"Oh Dodger, what are we going to do?"

Dodger analyzes from the couch as you pace back and forth, back and forth. If you keep going you may carve a hole in the hardwood floors.

With every minute that passes the house gets darker and darker as the charcoal clouds roll in. Heavy with rain and thunder.

The governor advised everyone to stay at home until it was safe to drive and be outdoors. Which would most likely be tomorrow morning.

"Ruuuf!" Dodger barks you, trying to let you know he's a bit nervous with his puppy senses going off the walls.

They say animals can sense when that big storm is coming, some say even days before, others hours before. Regardless they all have their way of coping with the chemical and natural changes.

A loud thunder clap forces Dodger to bury his head between the decorative pillows you had out for the fall season on the couch.

"Come here, Bubba. It's just thunder. I promise it won't hurt you." Immediately going to the couch to cuddle him, you scratch between his ears, and kiss all over his head.

But he's still shaking, and a bit breathless as he opens his mouth and lets his tongue hang out. Chris would know how to calm him.

"Your Dad is going to get hurt if he doesn't show up in the next minute." Thinking about Chris, god knows where, in this storm just makes you sick to your stomach.

You told him, he promised you, that he'd be back early from work to get ahead of the storm and be home with you.

And look at the time and he's nowhere around.

Dodger does a small bark, your favorite thing about this boy is that he can understand what is being said and loves to talk. And play, and jump.

He's a happy doggie.

"No sweetie," you respond to him. Giving him another kiss, petting his body to calm him, "the thunder won't hurt him, I will."

The wind picks up as well, from what you can see through the back doors of the house. The trees swaying back and forth in the air, kind of like they were being wrestled by the air.

It should start to pour any second now. And your anxiety was at an all time high. Pressing on Chris's contact, you pray he answers.

You and Dodger stare at his contact photo. A picture of you and him at Disney, sharing a sweet kiss in front of the castle. Him wearing his Mickey ears and you wearing Minnie ears.

It was the best vacation ever, just a few months ago. And Chris said you'd be back with him for Halloween. But you don't know if he's kidding or not.

He has funny ways of surprising you.

It goes straight to voicemail, it does not even ring. Not one trill, not one beep. "His phone must be dead, it's like the portable charger I got him for Christmas is better off back at the store!"

You're not always this way, nervous and jittery and even a little cranky. You're just always scared of losing the love of your life—because you wouldn't know how to live, how to survive without Chris.

That man is your world.

And by man you mean half man, half child. A man child is your boyfriend.

Yesterday in the shower he was poking at your boobs, wondering why they were squishy. And wouldn't stop asking until you gave him a logical response.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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