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It had been years since I'd seen her live, in concert. I've been obsessed with Janet Jackson since I was 3 or 4, when Control was released. Recreating the chair flip from Pleasure Principle was the cause of my only broken bone in my life. I remember, vividly, listening to Rhythm Nation in my mom's car on the way home from the grocery store on several trips. Then, I remember going to the mall to buy the janet. album and falling in love with every song on the way back home.  We weren't well off growing up, so going to concerts was out of the question, Listening to the albums and seeing videos, the ones that I could see, was as close as I'd ever get.

My parents divorced when I was 10 and mom got remarried, so my stepdad always made sure that my mom and I were taken care of. So when The Velvet Rope was released, I was on it. Musically, emotionally, I was invested in everything this era had to offer. The tour schedule was released and my mom made sure that we went. She got me out of school early, and let my band director know I would be missing rehearsal that night. That bitch still dropped my grade. Every bit of it was worth it. That night changed my life. Seeing my idol with my favorite person in the world was one of the best experiences.

Fast forward a few years, growing, working and experiencing life changed me greatly. Stepdad died, I went to college, mom got sick, I transferred schools to be closer, and ultimately dropped out. I had to grow up quicker than I had anticipated, but there was no way I wasn't going to support her. Continuing to go through adulthood and then losing my mother to cancer in my mid-twenties, my priorities changed, my goals were now nonexistent, so nothing else really mattered to me anymore except for my remaining family: my dad, my brother and his two daughters. I had to make adjustments that I never thought I had to make because life was just...different.

Life has a way of kicking you in the ass to open your eyes though. I got re-rooted in my faith. I removed the things and people that weren't serving me. Music helped me through, though. Janet's music helped me through. I didn't get to go to the other concerts since The Velvet Rope, but when Unbreakable was released and the concert was announced, I made it a point to be there - but then it got canceled.

Tonight, though, I'd not only be attending the State of the World concert, I'd be going to the meet and greet. I was going to meet my idol. And to top things off, it was her birthday. When the time came, I was led down a hallway to a conference room that has a huge backdrop with Janet's name. Music played as I waited so I was really just dancing and vibing out by myself, while different staff went in and out of the room. A lady came in and told me "She's coming now." My heart dropped to my ass and I started to fidget. The door opened and I glanced over my shoulder and there she walked next to Joey.

"Peyton Thompson?" I heard her say as she approached me. I nodded my head. I had no words. I was in complete shock. She walked to me, smiled and said softly, "Hi, I'm Janet."

"Oh my God, yes you are. I- it's so nice to meet you." I finally found my voice. She reached out to hug me. Jesus, she smells like Heaven.

"It's very nice to meet you as well."

"You are just- I mean, you're..." I stuttered over my words as we pulled away and I looked at her. I took a deep breath to settle myself. "You are so beautiful. And happy birthday!"

"Well, thank you. And you are beautiful, yourself." she replied, flashing that heart stopping smile. How was I supposed to focus now? It already doesn't feel real as it is.

As my heart rate began to come down, I felt myself calming enough to engage in a little conversation.

"Thank you for taking the time to meet me. This is really a dream come true for me."

"Of course. Are you here by yourself?"

"Yeah, I flew out here by myself just for the concert. No one else could get their schedules changed to come with me. They don't matter right now though." I smiled.

"That's unfortunate." She frowned slightly.

"I was supposed to come out with my ex, but we just broke up a few days ago."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Because I wanted to come to this concert and not be up under him." I said with a little sass that made her laugh. "Crazy enough, when we first started dating, he told me that he'd leave me for you or Jill Scott, with no remorse. I told him 'hell, I'd leave yo ass for Janet Jackson too', then he got in his feelings."

"Are you serious? That is terrible!"

"No, no, it's cool. I tried to warn him!" I shrugged. "But that's his loss, ya know? You're about to kill this concert, and I'm dope, so he's about to be really butt hurt." The smile came back.

We chatted for a few more minutes when she was alerted that it was time for her to get prepared for the concert. We took a few photos to commemorate the meeting. I swear, people are about to be sick of me once I start loading these.

"Janet, before you go, I'd like for you to have this." I gave her a bag.

She pulled out the custom hoodie that I had made with the Rolling Stone cover on the back, her name around the edge of the hood, and some other unique Janet touches.

"This is amazing! You made this?" She asked as she rubbed her hand over the fabric.

"Yes ma'am. It's something to show how you have touched my soul and kept me going. Because of you and your inspiration, I was able to accomplish so many amazing things in my life, this was just a very small way for me to say thank you." I responded as I started to tear up.

She gently cupped my face and wiped my tears. "Thank YOU for being an amazing fan and supporting me for all of these years. I promise, I don't take things like this for granted. This means more to me than you will ever know."

I sniffed and smiled as she pulled me into another hug. "Anything for the Queen."

She giggled, "I don't know about that but it's much appreciated." As we pulled apart she said "It's been a pleasure meeting you, Peyton. Truly."

Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound outside of the door. I instantly pulled Janet behind me, now standing between her and the door. Joey popped in to say "Sorry about that, ladies, Tony just ran into a cart."

I felt Janet's hand on my shoulder as she said lowly in my ear "Look at you protecting me."

I laughed and turned to her, responding "Instincts. I don't go protecting anybody, though. We gotta be besties, now!"

"I'm always down for new connections," she giggled. "But, I gotta go. I hope that you enjoy the show. Maybe our paths will cross again someday."

"Yeah, someday, bestie." I stood there looking and in a second, she was gone.

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