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"Thanks Veronica. I'll get the presentation completed by the end of the day and we can start building out the project plan tomorrow morning. I'd rather not start looking for candidates until we know exactly what we're doing and how many people we need."

I was back into the full swing of work, and I had to admit that I was really enjoying my job so far. The people are nice. I have full autonomy. It's not as hectic as I thought it would be. And eventually, I'd get back to creating videos again. All because I listened to my incredibly sexy, intelligent, patient, and beautiful girlfriend. I'd have to give her a proper thank you once she returned from her tour.


She's been gone for about two weeks now, and I was missing her so much. She was 5 or 6 hours ahead of me, but we made a concerted effort to talk, text or FaceTime every day. Most of our conversations were brief, but enough for me to know that she was safe, Eissa was good, the shows were going well, and to let her know that I loved and missed both of them.

Hanging up the phone from my work call, I turned in my office chair, propped my feet up on my desk and looked out of the window. The weather hadn't been much of a friend lately, as it was taunting me for the last 3 days with a steady downpour of rain. All it did was remind me of the night with J before I came back home.

"You tryna go upstairs with me?"

She shook her head.

"No?" I asked her quizzically.

"No. Let's make love...outside."

I raised my eyebrows. "In the rain?"

"Everything's wetter and better in the rain, Baby," she winked at me and waited for my answer.

"Can I bring the strap?"

"As long as you know what to do with it."

"I got you, Beautiful," I nodded my head eagerly as she answered. "I got something else for you, too." I kissed her once more then took off upstairs. When I got to her room, I grabbed the harness and dildo first, because priorities. Then, I reached in the front pocket of my carry-on and pulled out a baby blue box tied with white ribbon. Making my way back downstairs, Baby was standing by the window, looking out, with her arms wrapped around herself. I instantly wished that I had my phone in hand to snap a picture of her. She was so damn mesmerizing.

"You ready?" She asked, turning towards me. She grabbed the harness from me and began to turn to walk away.

"One second, Babe," I stopped her, grabbing her by her hand. When she turned, her brows were raised as if to ask me what was wrong. "I wanted to give you this before I give you this." I extended the box to her first before waving the dildo in front of her.

Her laughter filled the room and made my heart flutter. "What is this?" She asked, taking the box from me.

"Open it and find out."

She untied the bow, and lifted the lid off. I heard a small gasp as she pulled a Tiffany's bracelet out. Pulling it from the box she lifted to her eye level to get a better view. "Baby, this is so beautiful. I-"

"Wait, read the inscription."

She looked on the inside and read the words out loud. "Siempre Contigo. Te amo." Tears clouded her eyes as she looked at me. "And I'm always with you, Baby. I love you, too." She kissed me quickly and said, "You're always getting me stuff. I never give you anything."

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