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"Alright, let's take it from the top of the second chorus again then we'll break for 20 minutes. 5, 6...5, 6, 7, 8." Gil said to all of us. Rehearsals were back in full swing and we were all looking like we hadn't missed a step. We added one more song to the set and were trying to get the choreography down before we hit the road again. All in all, we were looking pretty damn good, and ready for the stage.

Being back in the dance studio with everyone was feeling good for me. It kept my mind occupied on gearing back up for the tour, and less on how much I was missing my baby. My trip to Atlanta couldn't come fast enough, and I was even getting excited about our Carolina trip to see her family.

Making it through the last steps, the song finally ended and we hit our marks. Feeling good with it, Gil cheerfully announced, "See y'all in 20."

I walked over to my bag and grabbed my water and phone. Checking my messages, I noticed I had a voicemail from Peyton. I took a sip of water while I played the message.

"Hey Beautiful. I know that you're at rehearsal, and I knew you wouldn't answer, but I just called to let you know that I miss you, and I can't wait to see you in a few days. I have something very special planned for you, so bring something sexy...besides yourself. I'll talk to you later, and I hope rehearsal was easier today. Bye Baby."

Finally catching my breath, I got up and went to join some of the Kids on the other side of the room. They were in a conversation about what they considered cheating.

"It's only cheating if you had sex more than once!"

"No, that's dumb. If it happened even once, that's more times than enough."

"Well what if it was just a kiss? Is a kiss considered cheating?"

"Hell yeah! Would you want your girlfriend or boyfriend kissing someone else on you?"

"Naw, kissing ain't bad. Once it crosses the line to touching, then you have a problem."

All of these opinions were being thrown out and I stood there and just listened to their perspectives, until Denzel piped up and asked me, "Mama J, what do you think? Is kissing cheating?"

"For me?" I emphasized. "Yes it is. But for someone else, they might think it's fine. I think when you get into a relationship with someone, those are boundaries that need to be established and discussed between you and your partner. Things that you consider cheating that are deal breakers for you."

"Mm-mm. I'm not that mature yet. But I hear you." Dom responded.

"That just comes along with living and growing. Learn through what you go through." I said back to her. "It really comes down to what you wouldn't want your partner to do to you, along with honesty and communication."

"Mmm, I don't know. I'd rather be single." Allison said.

"Booty preaching to y'all young ones today." Gil said.

"Definitely ain't trying to preach but just sharing what I've learned." I said when the door suddenly opened and Joey walked in with a bouquet of beautiful flowers in my direction.

"Hey Boss, these just got delivered for you."

I instantly started to blush as the Kids all "Oooh'ed" in unison.

"Mama J, you got a boo?"

I took the roses from Joey and smelled them. I looked to see if a card was attached. Fessing up to the group, I answered, "I do. I have somebody really special."

Pulling the card out, I read three simple words: I miss you.

Sitting the flowers down, I picked up my phone and sent a quick text message to Peyton.

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