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"What do you mean she said 'I love you'?!" Gil shouted as he and I sat in my living room. He had called when I was feeding Eissa and told me that he was coming over.

"Shhhh! Gil! She's upstairs sleeping. Please don't be so loud."

"Bitch, what kind of magic pussy do you have? You got her professing her love already?"

"Oh my God, you are too much."

"It's so soon though. It's only been, what, a month and a half or two? Don't you think that's quick? Did you say it back? How do you feel?"

"If you would take a breath, I could answer some of your questions. Starting with, no, I didn't say it back. I care for her a lot, but I don't think I love her. Not yet." I said taking a sip of my coffee.

"Okay, at least one of y'all is thinking clearly because girl!!! That is too much."

"I didn't say all that, Judgie. I can't say that she doesn't. Her feelings are a bit stronger because she's been able to get to know me through a different lens. Plus, the way she was just here for me while Joseph was sick. And literally here right now. If she didn't care, she wouldn't have flown herself out here."

"That is true. She was sweet when I called her to help for y'all's little cyber date."

"See? Even that was thoughtful. She didn't have to do that."

Gil finally sat back on the sofa and uncrossed his arms from his chest. "I'm just looking out for you, Booty. I don't want anyone to take advantage of you."

"And neither do I. I've had enough of that shit."

"Ain't that the truth, honey. I want you to be happy. And you do seem happy. You're glowing."

"That's her. She makes sure that I'm happy. She gives me a feeling that I've never felt before."

"Okay, Alicia Keys." We both laughed out loud. I didn't even hear it until he mentioned it.

"Good catch. But seriously, I can't say if it's too soon or not for her, but it is for me. But her saying it doesn't scare me, though. Honestly, knowing what I do know about her, it kinda makes sense. It's like it's in her. I don't wanna question it or force anything. And, she's not pressuring me. She understands that it's soon for me. We're just going with the flow."

"And she hasn't met your family?"

"No, but she is coming to the funeral. Speaking of, can she sit with you?"

"Keeping it low key?"

"Yeah, please?"

"That's no problem. So hasn't met the family but she's met Eissa. How'd that go?"

"Instant connection. It's crazy how well they get along together. He's constantly looking for her, and she's always thinking about him." I paused for a second to picture the scene that I walked in on last night when I got home. A small smile tugged at my lips. I honestly wished that I had taken a picture, it was so cute.

"What you thinking about that has you smiling over there?" Gil asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Just something that happened last night."

"Oooo child, you nasty. Was it good?"

"No, I mean yes, but that's not what I was talking about. It was about Eissa. But speaking of him, he's been quiet. Normally, he's running around, bringing me his toys from his playroom."

I got up to check on him. As I walked into the playroom, I didn't see him anywhere. I walked back toward the living room and saw Gil in my refrigerator.

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