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Walking back to my dressing room, I was blown away by Peyton. In our short conversation, I got this vibe from her that she's someone solid, someone that you'd be lucky to have in your life. The look must've shown on my face because once I walked through the door, Gil, my best friend, choreographer and creative director, was already on me.

"Girl, what is this look? Meet and greets went well I'm assuming."

"They did. The last one especially." I responded, sitting in my chair so that I could get my hair and makeup ready for the show.

"Tea. Spill. Now." Gil said now standing in front on me. "What did he look like?"

"She was beautiful. But it wasn't even her looks. She just gave me this vibe that I've never felt before."

"Oh, she? She? Bitch. I have never seen a woman make your face light up like that since, well, it's been years." Gil said, trying to avoid the name that should always be avoided.

"I don't know Gil. She gave good convo, gave me a gift and -" I was immediately cut off.

"Gift? You should've led with that! What'd you get?" He said grabbing at my bag and pulling out my hoodie. Preston and I just laughed as Preston continued to do my makeup.

"Girl, this is nice. Look at the details in this! Oh, she needs to be on the team, honey!" Gil said standing up and putting the hoodie over his head. "And it fits me perfectly too! Bout to get this up off you!"

"Boy, put that DOWN! Always trying to take my stuff!"

He rolled his eyes "I do, AND will. Keep playing." He took off the hoodie, folded it and put it back into the bag. "So tell me about Hood Chick."

"You really get on my nerves." I laughed. "Her name is Peyton. Peyton Thompson. She's about an inch or two taller than me, gorgeous, short curly brown hair..." I got distracted thinking about her eyes. "The most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen."

"Ass?" He said seriously.

"Why are you like this?"

"And why are you holding back?"

"I'm a little curious now, too!" Preston chimed in.

I sighed, "yes, ass, hips, thick thighs, nice shape."

"Damn the hoodie, I wanna steal ya girl." Gil said laughing obnoxiously. "I'm Mr. Steal ya girrrrrrrlllll." He sang while twerking on me.

"Please stop." I laughed and pushed him off of me. "You are so stank."

"Let me see if I can find her on the socials."

"Gil, no." I pleaded, but was also slightly curious.

"Whatever. I'm sure she's following you, why not look her up? Level the playing field." I rolled my eyes. I guess he had a point but it wasn't that serious. "Nothing on Facebook, and a private page on IG with a profile picture of what looks to be a children's hospital."

"Oh well, no big deal." As Preston continued to beat my face.

"Seriously though, what you gonna do?" Gil asked.

"I mean, we're going out tonight to celebrate. Maybe I can get security to get my number to her. Hopefully she'll hit me up so I can invite her out."

"OOOOO" Gil clapped. "Yes, do that. Now we can have a texting Bae for when you're back on tour after this break."

"Texting Bae? Not likely.  She'd have to use the number first. Plus, she's into guys. She told me about an ex."

"Okay, so? Do you know how many of your female fans would jump ship and dick to get with you?"

"All of em!!!" He and Preston said at the same time, giving each other a hi-five.

I scoffed. "Whatever. I don't even know what I want at this point. Maybe I just need to have fun."

"And who better to have fun with than someone who's unattached and gives good vibes?" Gil responded.

"We haven't even gotten to that bridge yet to be thinking about crossing it. I'll just get her my number and we'll see how it goes from there."



For anyone who's ever been to a Janet concert, you get captivated in the lights, the music, the dancing, her. How she moves, engages with the crowd, makes you fall in love, again, with songs that you heard a million times before. It's an experience. At some point, though, you realize that it's got to end, and you start to get a little sad. It was hitting me now. I was in the 3rd row near the center of the stage. The band was playing an instrumental of "Feels So Right" as Janet and the dancers changed for the last time.

Suddenly, everything goes dark except for the spotlight at center stage. The band starts to play "Shoulda Known Better", one of my favorites. As Janet appeared on the stage, with her back to the audience, you could see an image on her back. It looked like – Is she wearing my hoodie on stage?! I immediately lost my shit.

Janet performed the song, and a few more hits before introducing the band and the kids. Afterwards, she spoke to the audience.

"I, uh, I always wanted to make impactful music. Music that could raise awareness, that could change a mood, that could inspire, that could change lives. The awards and accolades are wonderful, but it's the connection with all of you that inspires ME and what drives ME to continue to do this. I love you all, so much. I truly do."

The crowd erupted with cheers and applause. She scanned the crowd as if she was looking into the faces of each person in attendance, taking a second to take it all in. Then she spotted me and locked in. I made the heart symbol with my hands and she returned the same and blew a kiss. She started to speak again, looking into the crowd.

"Before tonight's show, I met someone incredible that showed me the importance of vulnerability, and how mine has encouraged her to show hers. This one's for you, P. Meeting you means more to me than you know." She looked back at me and winked and started to sing "Together Again".

As the show came to a close, and I was gathering my things to leave, I was approached by Joey.


"Yes?" I responded, with a confused look on my face.

"From Miss Jackson." He handed me a note and walked away.

I stood in place for a moment and read the note,

Peyton, I meant what I said. Our conversation earlier sparked something in me, and I truly hope that our paths do cross again. So much so, here is my number. Let's chat some time. J

I just got Janet Jackson's phone number. I must be dreaming.

This is, hands down, the best night of my life.

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