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We had finally made it back to our room. After the interrogation from the kids asking if they could come with us, to waiting a few extra minutes for Joey and Tommy so that they could come back with us, I finally had my baby all to myself again. I laughed, internally, because Janet was frustrated with me. We both knew why we were here, what we were going to do. I knew that she was growing impatient with me because I was moving incredibly slow. She knew that I wanted to savor every bit of this moment with her. I was in no hurry for this to be over. I hadn't had the upper hand in this particular position with her in a few days, but ultimately I knew we both needed to get our fill of each other. I was running the show today and there was nothing that she could do about it.

I had gotten her undressed first, removing one piece of clothing at a time, then tasting her soft, supple skin as it was revealed to me. Once she was completely bare, I took a moment to step back and just look at her. Admire every single curve. Touch every single dip. Drink all of her in. She was a work of art, undeniably sexy, but most importantly, and selfishly, all mine.

She, in return, helped in undressing me, pulling my shirt over my head, freeing me of my bra, and pulling down my shorts and panties. Standing chest to chest and holding each other, I leaned in and captured her lips for the millionth time, and silently prayed that she would allow me to do so a million times more.

I walked her back to the bed, gently urging her to lay down. As we continued our kiss, my hands traveled to her breasts, massaging with one hand as I propped myself up on the elbow of my other arm. A quiet moan escaped her lips as I pinched her nipple and repeated my actions to the other.

"Baby, please. Touch me," she asked, briefly breaking our kiss. I nodded, knowing exactly where she needed my attention, and positioned myself to her side with one leg between hers with my core near her hip. I slowly dragged my hands between her legs as she opened them up for me, providing the space that I needed. Gently sliding my fingers over her pearl, she slightly jerked to my touch.

"She's so wet, Baby." Swirling in her abundant desire, I brought my fingers to my mouth to taste. "And she's so delicious." Going back down, my fingers rubbed circles on her while my mouth and tongue worked on her sensitive nipples. I knew she wanted more; I could tell by the way she was moving against me. As if on cue, I felt her fingers tangled in my hair, playing as she always did, and making me look up at her.

"Baby, please. I need to feel you inside me."

"I got you," I responded before connecting our lips again and plunging two fingers into her. The action caused her to arch towards the ceiling slightly, trying to adjust to the welcomed intrusion. We stayed like this for a moment, me sliding in and out, massaging her walls. Her hips were matching my rhythm, as always, letting me get deeper inside of her. I kept a slower, steady pace, even though I knew she wanted me to speed up. I still took my time. My hand was covered with all of the wetness that was coming from her fountain.

She looked down in between us with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth and watched as I added another finger to fill her up.

"Oh God," she called out. "You make me feel so good, Baby."

"You deserve to feel this good," I said, looking into her eyes.

"So do you," she said, slipping two of her own fingers into my dripping center without warning, causing me to suck in air between my teeth.

Pleasuring each other at the same pace, she pulled out when I pushed in. The moans that we let out sounded like one, beautiful, harmonious note. Our gazes locked with each other, our lips barely touched each other as both of our mouths were hanging open. We were breathing each other in; as one of us would breathe in, the other would breathe out. We had never been so in sync with each other in this see-saw ride, and it felt amazing.

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