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The rain falling steadily outside provided a very somber but sensual vibe for the night we were having. The lights were down low, champagne was being sipped, and we were slow dancing in the living room, per her request. Her exact words were, "Let me hold you while we let the music move our souls." She had put on a slow jams playlist that she had found and pulled me into her arms. After such an eventful day of the three of us hanging out, dinner was done, Eissa was asleep, her bags were packed, and so were mine. It was just me and my love spending alone time together.

She held me tightly around my waist while my arms were wrapped around her neck. Occasionally, our foreheads would touch or noses would rub against each other as we swayed to whatever tune was playing through the speakers. One of us would lightly kiss the other's lips or cheek, but our rhythm always continued.

I loved being this close with her. The sex between us was always good. Amazing. Definitely amazing. But what we both loved, at least I did, was the intimacy. The closeness, the touches, the quick glances or long gazes, the smiles, the energy that we exchanged, even in this moment, the nonverbal love that we shared with one another and communicating with our bodies was heavenly.

I wanted to do this with her, and her only.

Freddie Jackson's "You Are My Lady" started to fill the room, and my baby's lips began to curl up into a smile as our eyes met each other's. The dim lights still made them sparkle, and I felt as if she were looking directly into my soul. Softly, she began to sing to me:

There's something that I want to say
But words sometimes get in the way
I just want to show my feelings for you
There's nothing that I'd rather do
Than spend every moment with you
I guess you should know I love you so

You are my lady
You're everything I need and more
You are my lady
You're all I'm living for

She held me a little tighter and she nuzzled into my neck, leaving feather-like kisses. I held the back of her head while tilting my own, exposing more of the area to her.

There's no way that I can resist your precious kiss
Girl you've got me so hypnotized
Just say that you'll stay with me (you'll stay)
'Cause our love was meant to be
I promise to love you more each day

She lifted her head up to look at me again, as if she were memorizing each feature, letting them engrave into her mind. She spoke softly, barely above a whisper. "I know you hate it when people stare at you but I can't help it. You are perfect. This is perfect."

I blushed. "I don't mind your stares. But, you're right. This is perfect. Me, not so much."

"Stop it. You're perfect to me. And that's all that matters," she smiled but it slowly faded. "I really hate that I'm leaving tomorrow and you're going back on the road right after."

"I know. I feel the same way, Baby."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Tell me anything. Tell me everything." By then, we had stopped moving and just stood in each other's arms, looking at each other. I could feel the anxiousness build in her body. I could see sadness in her eyes.

"I know you have to go out and finish this tour, but I really just don't want you to go. I really want to be selfish with you and keep you all to myself. But your fans deserve to see your greatness. And you deserve to feel all of their energy, love and support, because you are that amazing. I just- I don't want to be without you. It scares me."

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