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I know, and I'm sorry.


I had been lying awake with my eyes closed for the better part of the morning, thinking about the events of yesterday. Well, I guess just the main event because nothing else weighed as heavily on my mind as that one. That crazy bitch shot me. Twice. And for someone to have been as strung out as she was, or as it had seemed, her aim wasn't terrible. A few inches down and to the right, I wouldn't be here listening to the beeping of this machine monitoring my blood pressure and my heart rate.

Two bullets had to be removed from my body: one from my left shoulder/upper chest area, and one from my left side, right above my hip. They both had missed hitting anything critical, but the doctor said she'd give me more information about my injuries and what my recovery would look like today. For now, the incision on my shoulder was covered with my arm in a sling. My side had a few stitches with some covering on it as well. Because of the medication I had taken I wasn't in a whole lot of pain, just enough to be irritated by it. With all things considered, I'd take it over what the alternative could've been.

Janet, Joey and my family had left last night, the latter being more agreeable to leave than the former. I was already in and out of sleep so much from all of the medication that was flowing through me, and per the doctor, I wouldn't have even been responsive to anyone who was in the room with me. Plus, she and Jordan had just flown in from New York from a busy day. It just would've been better, for everyone, if we all just got some rest. And I preferred that she slept in a real bed, rather than the hard ass bench that they call a couch that sat a few feet away from my bed. But I also knew my girlfriend well enough to know that since visiting hours began at 7:00am, that she would be crossing the threshold of my room no later than 7:05, with or without Joey.

With the time that I had alone, before the nurses came in checking vitals and asking me my pain level, I began to analyze how I was really feeling though. Fully realizing that Tameka could've shot any one of us in the condition that she was in, I was glad that no one else was hit. Of course, I would have rather that no one got shot at all, I was relieved that the girls didn't see it, and no one else was hurt. I didn't want to think too deeply on it though - the what if she had done blah blah blah, because it didn't change what actually happened. I was shot, yes, but I'm still here. I still have my family, and Janet and Eissa. That was enough to make me feel blessed enough to lay in this bed and feel grateful for another day, and to feel hopeful about recovery.

"Good morning!" A sing songy type greeting met my ears.

Assuming that there was a shift change, I opened my eyes to a nurse that I had never seen before. The young brown skinned girl looked bright eyed and energized, as if she had just gotten a full night of blissful sleep. I was slightly jealous. She stood in the doorway with a beaming smile, showcasing all 32 of her perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Good morning." Barely above a whisper, I responded to her as she walked further into the room with her tablet, looking to get my vitals.

"How are you feeling this morning, Mrs. Thompson?"

I cleared my throat in an attempt to speak a little louder. "I'm okay. And Miss, not Mrs."

I saw her smirk at my response as she gingerly adjusted the pillow that my bandaged arm was propped on top of.

"Mmhmm. Not married. Good to know."

"But not single, either." A familiar voice chimed in from behind a bouquet of flowers and balloons floating near the door. I smiled, and the beeping of the monitor sped up, confirming the familiar excitement that I was feeling due to the presence of my baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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