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After we had gotten back to the hotel from the cemetery, we both took turns getting showered. The plan was to relax a bit before going back to the house, but I found myself on my back with my girlfriend stretched out on top of me. We were in a heavy petting and make out session that was inevitably leading to one of us screaming the other's name. The music playing in the background provided some ambiance, but honestly wasn't needed. Hearing Janet's soft moaning was all the sound that I desired.

This time was a little different. At least it was for me. I finally had the reciprocation of love from my girlfriend. It wasn't as if I didn't feel it already. Sure, she didn't say the words but I could sense it in the way she would say my name, or when she hugged me, or when we touched, or even when I would catch her staring at me. But nothing could prepare me for the feeling that I felt when she actually confirmed it with the words. I never thought that my heart could feel as good as it did as they fell off of her tongue. No hug or kiss felt better than the one we shared immediately after. So I was sure that what we were about to do would feel different, almost brand new.

Janet had my hands pinned on either side of my head as she disconnected our lips, only to launch an assault on my neck, letting me know that she would be controlling this round. Squirming beneath her, I needed her to touch me. I wanted her to feel how much I needed her; How badly I wanted her to dive into the ocean that was forming between my legs.

"Baby," I whispered out to her. She didn't verbally respond, but knowing what I needed from my tone, she let one of my hands go as her own slowly slid down my body and her fingers began to massage circles around my clit.

"Mm, I love how wet you get for me, Baby." She slowly sank two fingers into me, earning a moan to flow from my mouth to her ears. "And you're so tight," she said, massaging my walls slowly, as her words were making me wetter.

Taking her time, she kissed down my chest and sucked on each nipple, causing me to arch into her body, and her fingers to plunge deeper into me. Continuing her journey down my body, her lips had just gotten below my navel when my phone rang. Peeking at it on the nightstand, I saw that it was my brother.

"Fuck! Hold on, Baby. Give me 60 seconds. I promise."

"I'm only pausing for 30 seconds before I start back up," she challenged.

"Talk fast," I said, answering the phone.

"What y'all doing?" Nico said into the phone.

"I'm laying down and Janet's about to eat."

"You not eating?"

"Not yet. Imma eat the hell out of some strawberries later though," I answered, looking at Janet who was staring back up at me with a devilish grin on her sexy ass lips. Trying to get him off the phone, I asked, "What's up?"

"The girls wanted to know if you and Janet wanted to go bowling with us later. Food is optional since y'all are eating now, but just wanted to let you know."

"Sounds good, but I'll ask Janet and will let you know."

"5, 4, 3.." Janet counted down quietly as her head dipped lower and lower to my center.

Running out of time, I cut the conversation short and told him, "We'll be back out there in a little while. I'll let you know when I'm coming."

"She'll be coming soon," I heard Janet mumble as her tongue licked around my pearl.

"Okay, bet. I'll s-"

"Bye bro!" I cut him off quickly and disconnected the call. Putting my phone on silent before I tossed it elsewhere, I looked down at Janet. Catching my look, she winked up at me and took my clit into her mouth and pinched it softly between her lips. I hissed as the sensation traveled through my body, making me want more of her. I placed my hand on the back of her head, urging her into me more.

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