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After my conversation with Peyton last week, I decided that I should follow her advice and have a conversation with my father. I wasn't entirely sure what the outcome would be, but I really hoped that I'd come out feeling better than I do going in. There was a bit of uncertainty on how he would take what I had to say, but it was something that I didn't want to hold in anymore. I needed answers. I needed resolve.

I had just landed and was on my way to go check in to my hotel. I called Joseph on my way.


"Hello, Joseph. It's Janet."

"Hey babygirl," his voice sounded weaker but genuinely happy to get my call. "What are you up to?"

"I'm in Vegas and was wondering if now would be a good time to stop by? I have someone I want you to see."

"Are you bringing my grandson? Because if you are, right now is perfect."

"Yes, I'm bringing Eissa with me. We'll be there in about 30 minutes. You need anything?"

"Nope, just you two."

"Ok, see you soon. Bye!" I smiled as we disconnected the call. My nerves were getting the best of me but I knew that once I got there and started talking, they would go away.

Soon, we pulled up to Joseph's home. As I got out of the truck with Eissa and his bag, I let Joey and the driver know that I would let them know when I was ready to leave. I didn't have a planned time to leave but I knew this visit wasn't going to be short.

I walked up the walkway, up the stairs and rang his doorbell. As we waited, Eissa laid his head on my shoulder and hugged me. I smiled at my baby boy. I had a feeling that he felt my nervousness and knew that his mama needed some support. A small woman answered the door.

"Hello, dear. I'm Mr. Jackson's day nurse, Barbara. Come right on in this way."

"Thank you, Barbara." We made our way to the living room where Joseph sat, watching tv, dressed as if he were about to go out for a night on the town.

"Mr. Jackson," Barbara announced. "You have some visitors." He turned his head and instantly lit up with a smile.

"Janet, my girl. How are you? Come on over here."

I smiled back at him and walked over to where he was sitting. As I began to bend over to hug him, he held up his hand to stop me.

"I want to stand up," he said stubbornly as he started to push himself up from his chair. I went to his side to help him to his feet. It broke my heart to see my father as weak as he was, but he was not going to let that stop him. Once he was up, he pulled me into him and hugged me with as much strength as he had. Admittedly, it felt good to hug my Father. It was something that we hadn't done for a very long time.

"It's so good to see you, Joseph."

"I'm glad to be here to be seen," he chuckled softly. He pulled back and took a good look at me. "You're looking beautiful, girl. Just like your mother." We stood just looking at each other for a moment, until I felt a tug at my leg. I picked up Eissa as Joseph sat back down.

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