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It feels so good to be home. To have been able to sleep in and wake up in my own bed. To not have to be rushed to sound check, an arena, an interview or anything. It felt good to just - be. I was going to try to make the most of this break before getting back on the road for the second leg of this tour. Being back on the stage energizes me in a way that I can't seem to explain, but home is where I want to be. Home is where my Eissa is. Well, not at this very moment, but I will get to see my baby boy tonight.

I finally decided to get out of bed, after being lazy all morning, and get my day started. I had a slight headache, remnants of a hangover. But I'm very grateful that I took two aspirin and drank a bottle of water before going to bed. I walked in to my bathroom to turn the shower on, then went to pick out my clothes for the day. Typical black joggers and a long sleeve black shirt would always be my go to. I walked back into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up into a bun to prepare for the shower. I had this undeniable glow today and a very prominent smile. I've never been smiley in the morning, unless I'm with my baby boy, but this morning was different. I reflected on the happenings of last night. Last night was...


That's what last night was, unexpected, but in a very, very good way. I know that I had maybe gushed about Peyton to Gil and Preston, but never in a million years did I expect us to spend the time together that we did. I didn't expect for her to touch me the way that she did, kiss me the way that she did, and I certainly didn't expect to react to either the way that I did. If she only knew how wet she made me - last night while we were dancing and kissing. And in this moment, right now, thinking about it. I can take care of that in the shower. So glad I have that good water pressure and a shower wand...


After an exceptionally long shower, and an amazing orgasm, I was finally dressed and ready for whatever the day would hold. I grabbed my phone, went to my kitchen and made a quick smoothie. Just as I finished up, my phone rang and my heart dropped. Why do I keep doing that? I wasn't really expecting anyone to call except Wissam. Maybe Gil. It was Wissam.


"Hi Janet." I heard Wissam respond.

"Hi Janet." I heard my Eissa repeat in the background then giggle uncontrollably. I smiled.

"No, son, you don't call her that. It's Mama. Always Mama." Wissam corrected. He and I may not have worked out romantically, but he is an incredible father, and a great partner in this new co-parenting relationship that we found ourselves in. He had his moments when I could see that man that I had fallen in love with in the beginning. But those moments were just that: moments. Quick and fleeting.

"Hey boys. What are you guys doing today?"

"I figured I'd take Eissa to the zoo before bringing him to you. Give you a little time to unwind from the tour."

"Thank you. I appreciate that Wissam."

"Mama, I go see the monkey and elphant and the big gee-raffe." I heard Eissa tell me in the background.

"As you can hear, he's really excited." Wissam chuckled into the phone.

"I can tell. What time can I expect you guys to be here?" I said walking over and sitting on my couch, turning the TV on.

"We'll be there at 5. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect. Have fun. Bye my Eissa. Mama loves you."

"Bye, Janet."

"Love you Mama! Bye Bye," I heard Eissa say. Right before the call disconnected, I could hear him say, "Dada, let's goooooooooo!"

I shook my head. That boy is too much. To be two years old, he's so smart and funny. But I also know his love for animals, and he was about to drive his dad crazy for the day. Honestly, he drives us both crazy, but in the best and sweetest way. I couldn't wait to see his sweet face and spend the evening listening to him talk about his adventure at the zoo.

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