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"So, run this by me again. You can't get a restraining order because she hasn't caused any physical harm or threat to you or the girls?" I asked my brother as he navigated to the house from the airport.

"Right. Davis said in cases like these, the homeowner can call the police if she shows up and get her for trespassing." Davis, our family attorney, helped us through most of our family matters, especially where our mother's estate was concerned.

"Which is why I'm here?" I asked, looking over at him. Instead of verbalizing his answer, he simply nodded his head.

I didn't necessarily like the answer that we were given, where the restraining order was concerned, but knowing Tameka's ass, it would end up working in our favor. She'd show up, we'd ask her to leave, she would get self-righteous and tell us she wasn't going to and would end up getting herself arrested. This would work wonders for Nico and his case to get custody of Nicole.

I also didn't like the look that my brother had on his face. Nico was generally the more playful, happy go lucky one between the two of us. And on most occasions, he would've cracked a joke or smiled once we were in each other's presence for at least five minutes. The man driving me today, though? This man was stressed and tired of bullshit. This man had the weight of the world on his shoulders. This man was two seconds away from doing something that he would likely regret.

As we pulled into the driveway, I noticed that my dad's truck was nowhere in sight. Nico, noticing my searching eyes, elaborated further on everyone's location.

"I asked Dad to take Nicole to Aunt Rose's for a couple of days. I didn't want her to hear or see more of me and Meek arguing. She's already seen too much. So, the coast is clear," he paused to turn his car off and open the driver's side door. "At least for now."

"Yeah, for the both of us," I replied softly as I grabbed my work bag and exited his car. I met him at the trunk as he pulled my suitcase out and sat it on the ground next to me.

"I'm sorry, sis," he started and pulled me into a hug. "I hate that I had to call you out here for this but -"

"Not buts." I kissed his cheek as we separated. "You know I'll go to war with you. Especially where these girls are concerned. You stepped up when she stepped out and I'm always going to have your back and support you. Just like I know you would do the same for me. And not because Mom asked me to. You're my brother, my first and best friend, and I love you."

He hung his head for a quick second before lifting it back to look at me. "You're the best little sister ever, and I love you so much." He grabbed my bag and nodded towards the house. "Come on. Let's get you settled."

An hour, or so, had passed when Nico and I heard a vehicle coming up the gravel driveway. We were both sitting in the living room with the television on. Not so much watching it, but having it as background noise while we talked and clowned each other. Aside from the glances that we gave each other, we were pretty much frozen in our seats. Nico made the move, first, to see who had just shown up. Pulling back the curtains from the window, he peeked out and turned to me.

"Looks like you're up first. Dad's back."

It would be a lie to say that I wasn't just a little anxious about seeing or speaking to my dad for the first time since our blow up. Before today, I actually dreaded this encounter. But seeing as how we were probably going to have bigger fish to fry, and Nico letting me know that Dad had made some changes in his life, I wasn't as apprehensive as I once was. Was it welcomed? Not by a long shot, but it was definitely inevitable, and I wasn't going to run from it.

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