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"I'm sorry, Boss. I'm not entirely sure how she slipped through the door, let alone how she got to you," Joey apologized as we drove back to back to my home.

"Don't worry about it, Joey. I'm sure nobody expected her to show up like she did." I wasn't totally upset that Shawnette had gotten through but was definitely in shock that she was there and had the audacity to touch me the way that she did. Twenty years ago, a touch from her like that would've had me pinned to a mattress somewhere with her head buried between my legs. Today, it just made me want to beat her ass. On top of that Peyton saw it, and I would have to explain everything to her.

As if he read my mind, Joey asked, "You ready to explain it to Peyton?"

"Not really, but I think for the sake of what we're building, she needs to know."

"Do you miss her? Shawnette?" He asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"As much as you would miss getting kicked in the nuts," I laughed.

"Yikes! Understood."

We pulled into the driveway, and Joey placed the car in park. Instead of waiting for him, I got out of the back myself and went to open the door. Eissa cried to go with Wissam, so he was going to stay with his dad for the night, and would be dropped off tomorrow.

Peyton and Gil had pulled in right when I got the door opened. They had left before us, but stopped by Gil's house to get him a change of clothes. Peyton had decided that she was going to make dinner for Gil, Joey and me, and I knew that he would want to get comfortable. Joey was on his way to change and would be back here shortly.

I was standing in the kitchen near the refrigerator when they walked in. Gil had a black plastic bag that he placed on the island, and a duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Gil, what is all of this?"

"We decided to go to the liquor store to make some drinks to go along with dinner. Plus, we bought a few bottles of wine."

"And this?" I pointed to the duffel.

"It's a spinnanight bag. I'm gonna spinnanight with yall!" He said excitedly. "Sleepover, ladies!"

"I tried to get him to ask you first, Babe. He kept saying that you wouldn't mind." Peyton said, bringing another black bag to sit on the counter beside me.

"I mean, Eissa's not here, so I don't mind," I said loud enough for him to hear. I turned to Peyton and said lowly in her ear "But I kinda do."

"It has been a long, eventful, lonely day," she said leaning into me for a kiss. We stayed connected for a moment before pulling away when Gil made his disgust known.

"Ugh, y'all get on my nerves. DETACH!"

"Shut your whole, entire face, Keish!" I said, holding on to Peyton's arm.

"It's fine. I'm going to get changed so I can make our first round of drinks and get dinner started," she gave me another quick peck.

"Girl, hurry up! I want a drink!"

"Then make yourself one, Punk!"

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