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I sat in car in my garage once I got home to decompress a bit. I was more than glad that tonight was over. I had spent the better part of today with my siblings and the event coordinator planning the repast for Joseph's funeral. I just wanted to get home to my Eissa and Peyton. She had been a great help the last few days but I didn't expect to have to depend on her to watch my son for the night. She convinced me that everything would be just fine though. Watching the two of them interact with each other was everything that I could've hoped for. She calls him E Boogie since they love to dance and sing together. Eissa affectionately calls her Pey Pey, but it sounds like pee pee when he says it. I think it's the funniest thing. She absolutely loves it.

Peyton had also been sleeping in the guest room, which I didn't mind completely. I wouldn't have a problem if she did sleep in my bed though. I rather enjoyed waking up in her arms a few nights ago. Whatever her reasoning was, I respected it, and didn't push it.

Noticing that I had been sitting there for about 15 minutes, I slowly got my things and walked to the door. I pushed it open and heard the TV playing rather loudly. I walked down the hallway and entered my kitchen where Peyton had made dinner, and by the looks of his chair and the floor around it, Eissa played in it. I walked from the kitchen into the living room where Spongebob was on. These two and their cartoons, I swear. I looked on the sofa and saw them. Peyton was stretched out on it with one foot on the floor, with Eissa cuddled on her chest, his face nestled in her neck. She had her arms wrapped around him very protectively. Lucky kid.

While she slept, I studied her face for a moment. Any time I looked at her too long, she'd shy away from me, so now was my opportunity to study her, to learn her. Smooth, flawless complexion, beautiful almond shaped eyes, cute nose, perfectly plump lips, sexy frame. Yeah, God definitely took His time with my baby.

I reached over and softly caressed her cheek with the back of my hand. I thought about the last few weeks and how I wouldn't have made it through them without her. And now, she's developed this amazing bond with Eissa. He told me that she was his best friend. I felt as though she were mine, too. My feelings for her were growing stronger every day. And it didn't scare me one bit. She had shown me enough for me to know that I could feel safe with her, physically and emotionally. I felt that in everything that she said and did.

I leaned over the arm of the sofa and said softly in her ear, "Peyton, I'm home." She stirred a little but didn't wake up. "Peeyyyytonnnnnn..." I sang and then kissed the corner of her mouth. She moaned softly, and sexily, but still did not wake. I could at least get Eissa and take him to his room. I moved to the front of the sofa, I leaned down to pick up my boy. As I began to lift him from her arms, Peyton jumped awake and pulled Eissa back to her as if she were shielding him from harm. Our eyes met and she calmed down once she focused on my face. I giggled.

"Shit, J. I'm sorry. I didn't know what was going on."

"You're fine. You're keeping my baby boy safe. I tried to wake you but you didn't budge. I was going to put Eissa to bed."

"Gotcha. Here you go then." She handed me my precious sleeping baby, and I kissed him on his forehead.

"How was he tonight? He didn't give you any trouble did he?"

She sat up and stretched before she answered, "Never. He was amazing, as always. We always have fun together. That's my guy!" She stood up and kissed and rubbed the top of his head. She whispered to him "Good night, E Boogie. I love you."

"And we know he loves his Pey Pey too." We both looked at each other and smiled. She leaned in and kissed me quickly. "Let me get him settled and then Imma get changed. I'll be right back."

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