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Coming out of my sleep, I was on my stomach with the sheet covering the lower half of my body. Per usual, I had kicked one leg from under it, mainly because I had gotten hot at some point. I didn't feel Peyton's body beside me, or some part of her touching me, but I could sense that she was close. I could smell her. She had showered, and had used the body lotion that I loved on her.

I opened my eyes to see her sitting in the chair on my side of the bed with her feet propped up beside mine. She was wide awake and fully dressed with a cup of coffee on the nightstand next to her and her computer in her lap. She had on glasses that I had never seen before. Whatever was on the screen had her entire focus. Her face was intense and it made her look so sexy. But more than her overall appeal, her presence in and of itself brought so much happiness to me. I meant what I told her when I said that waking up to her was going to make my day.

I didn't know how she was balancing it all. I knew that her job allowed her the flexibility to travel and make her own hours. She was constantly in meetings, interviews or training, but somehow, managed to move things around and be here, or wherever I needed her, happily and effortlessly, without missing a beat. I know what it's like to juggle things with work and a personal life. To watch someone else do it to where I was the beneficiary of those changes, was a different experience. No one had made those types of sacrifices for me before. My girlfriend was a damn unicorn.

I watched as her eyes shifted in the direction of the bed. I watched as she slowly trailed them from my feet, up my leg and stopped where the sheet met my exposed back, all while biting down on her lip. It made me hot to watch her look at me in such a way. She finally continued and when she met my eyes, she smiled shyly, which made me do the same.

"You caught me. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I like watching you look at me like that. Kinda does something to me."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeeessss." I giggled after. "But good morning, Baby," I greeted her.

"Good afternoon, Beautiful."

I turned over and sat up at her words, bringing the sheet up to cover me. "Afternoon?" I turned and looked at my nightstand clock. It was a little after 12. "Why'd you let me sleep so long, Baby? I only have today to spend with you. And Eissa...where's Eissa?"

"Hey, ma'am," she said softly while putting her laptop down and taking off her glasses. "I let you sleep that long because you needed to sleep. I wanted you to sleep. And Boogie is fine. He and I had breakfast together already, watched a little tv, colored, and he passed back out. He's been sleeping for about 20 minutes now."

While I was relieved that she was here to take care of him, I felt a little guilty that I slept as long as I did. On top of that, he wasn't her responsibility.

"Stop." She cut through my thoughts.


She came and sat next to me on the bed. "You're feeling guilty that you slept longer than you intended to. Please don't do that to yourself. It's okay. You just got home from a grueling two months of touring, you're jet lagged, and I kept you up pretty late." She grinned and kissed me softly. "If you want to go back to sleep, do it."

I smiled at her sweetness. "No, I'm up. I'm good." I grabbed her hand and held it in both of mine. "Thank you, though. You are so good to me."

"You're welcome, Babes. You make it easy," she leaned in and kissed my forehead. "What do you have on your calendar for the day?"

"Not much now, seeing as how I slept through half of it." I laughed. "But I didn't really have anything planned. I knew that I wanted to spend time with you before you left."

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