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Between the lights, the music, the flashing cameras, the runway, the FASHION?! I was absolutely in my element. We were at our 3rd show, and from what I could tell, everyone was just as excited as I was about the next one that was about to start. I knew that Gil was enjoying himself; He always does. It seemed that Jordan was having a good time too. I shouldn't even say 'seemed' because she had a smile on her face that never went away or faded.

My whole team was dressed in all black, so Jordan's makeup on me matched it perfectly. She gave me a very dramatic smokey eye with a deep red lipstick that was to die for...or so Preston texted me when I sent him our pictures. Speaking of pictures, I hadn't received any messages from Peyton about any of the ones that I sent her a few minutes ago. Normally, I would've had several messages from her, either complimenting the look or something expressing how she couldn't wait to get me somewhere alone.

It was announced that the show was about to begin in a few minutes. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain that shot through my shoulder. Then, a similar pain hit me towards the left side of my lower abdomen area. It made me wince a bit and almost took my breath away.

"You okay?" Jordan asked, noticing my face.

I nodded and massaged the area on my shoulder a little. "I'm okay, Sweetie. I don't know what that was though." Dismissing the pain, I asked her a question.

"You're good, right? Like, you're having fun?" She turned back to face me with dancing eyes. These were moments that I knew that she would remember forever. Hell, I still remembered my first time at NYFW.

"Auntie J, this is so much cooler than Disneyland will ever be. Not that I didn't appreciate that, or that it wasn't fun. This is just-" She waved her hands in a way to let me know that she didn't know the right word that would encapsulate what she was feeling. Coming up empty, her hands dropped and landed on each of her thighs.

I leaned towards her, bumping her shoulder. "I get it. I know the exact feeling, and I still have a hard time describing it."

"You get to do this every year?"

"Yup! I'm almost expected to show up to these now. But I absolutely love it! I love seeing new designs the designers are coming up with."

"That's so cool! I wanna be on your level one day. I would love to go to these all the time. It gives me so many makeup ideas."

I smiled at her and was so happy that this experience gave her motivation. "And you will be. But until you get there on your own talent, how about you be my plus one?"

"You serious?!"

"As long as your Dad is cool with it."

"And TT doesn't mind sharing you."

We both laughed. "We both know she doesn't want to share, but you let me take care of that. Although I'm sure, for you, she'd be okay with it."

As we gave each other a side hug, I felt Gil, who sat behind me, poke me in the back. When I turned my attention to him, he smiled big and gave me the heart symbol with his hands. He mouthed 'you need to have one' while pointing at Jordan. I shook my head and waved him off when the lights started to dim and the music got louder, signaling that the show was starting.

We were about 30 minutes in, and Jordan and I were thoroughly enjoying ourselves. Every once in a while she would point out something that she absolutely loved, or different makeup choices that she wanted to try with a spin on it. I loved that she was getting ideas, but could find her own touch within them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Joey get up and take a phone call in the hallway that was right off of the area that we were sitting. I didn't think much of it because he got phone calls all the time.

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