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"So, J wouldn't let you out last night, huh?" Gil asked, getting my attention from looking at all of their tour wardrobe.

"Nothing like that at all. When she got in, Eissa was already down for the night and I was working. I had an interview to wrap up, and by the time I did that and she showered, we were both just tired."

"Mmhmm. If you say so. I know y'all can't stay away from each other."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"It is when I can't hang out with y'all. Ol selfish heffas."

"Aw, my poor baby. I'll hang out with you tonight. And plus, I'm riding the train with yall to Bern tomorrow morning."

"We'll see," he answered skeptically.

We were backstage at the venue, walking around for a bit, and Janet did some work in her dressing room while Eissa napped in the room with her. As we cut a corner, Guero spotted me as we walked toward the stage and he was coming from the dancers' dressing room.

"Hey! I met you at the club that night in LA. Peyton, right?"

"Yeah, it's good to see you again, Guero."

"You too! You out here with Gil?" He asked jokingly with a laugh. I laughed with him, but more so at the face that Gil was making in response.

"Now, Bitch, you know better."

"Oh, I'm not good enough for you Gil?"

"You know damn well I don't have what you want, and you don't have what I want. You cute though." He blew me a kiss.

"Soooo," Guero hooked his arm around mine and got close to me as if we were about to have girl chat. The three of us kept making our way to the stage. "You're here with....J?" He whispered the last part.

"Yeah," I answered quietly.

"Like with with?" His voice fluctuated with gleeful enthusiasm.

I scratched the back of my neck because at this point, I didn't know who knew what about us, and was happily letting her take the lead on telling people - especially the people that she was closest with.

"Um, I'll let her answer that for you."

"I'll take that as a yes. Girl, you better work! J has been in such a different mood since the first leg. Not that she was bad or anything, but she's different. Especially yesterday. Like, happier? Giddy?"

"Properly fucked?" Gil threw out. I gasped at his candor as Guero open-mouth laughed. It stopped me dead in my tracks as I turned and looked at him. I wasn't embarrassed as much as I was shocked that he said it.

"Oooooh, I'm telling!" I teased him.

"Tell her! I bet she won't deny it!" In the back of my mind, I knew she probably wouldn't deny it either, but her admission probably wouldn't come without the accompanying ear pull.

"Whatever the reason, I'm happy for her. And glad that you're here," he winked and squeezed my arm before letting it go. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Good to see you, Peyton." He turned and went back towards the area that we had just left.

"Besides you, Joey, Tommy, Eissa, and I'm assuming Guero, does anyone know about me here?" I questioned as Gil and I were now standing in front of where the band was set. The stage itself was huge, and the venue was ridiculous. I was intimidated just standing here, and it was only just a few of us scattered around.

"I don't think so. You are good with being introduced to everyone though, right?"

"Yeah, of course. That's not an issue. I was just wondering. That's all."

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