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Surprise!! Had to drop two tonight.


I was stretched out across the bed in a tank top and panties when Janet got out of the shower. She had gone out shopping earlier today with Joey and Tommy while I got some work done. Now that I was officially part time, my days would be a little more freed up until the contractor gig started in two weeks. She claimed that she wanted to get me something as a thank you for last night. I told her that the four rounds that we alternated last night and this morning was more than enough, but she was determined. But when she came back with a beautifully framed picture of her and Eissa, there was no way that I would turn down that gift. It was currently sitting on my nightstand.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked as I watched Janet walk around the room in a robe. She had pulled her hair up into a messy bun and looked like a teenager.

"I guess so. I'm starting to get a little nervous. Who am I going to be meeting?"

"My dad, brother, nieces and maybe some people from church. All the people that I trust bringing you around."

"Okay. Tell me what I can expect." She said, sitting on the bed, taking the robe off, and beginning to lotion her body. I got caught up for a moment, looking at her flawless body as she spread the cream on it. "Baby?"

"Yes, my bad. Okay, my dad, Carter Senior. He's old school and stuck in his ways. Kinda quiet, kinda not. He's going to seem stand-offish but really, he just doesn't talk much. He's not gonna be phased that you're Janet Jackson. He might not even believe that you are. Hell, sometimes I don't believe that you are." She chuckled at me as I continued. "He will probably openly ask questions about my ex in front of you, so I apologize in advance. He knows we aren't together but that hasn't stopped him."

"Okay, good insight. Next?"

"Hold on. Hand me your lotion." I asked. As I sat up beside her, she passed me the bottle. I put some in my hand and passed it back. Motioning for her to turn around, I started to rub it onto her back and shoulders.

"My nieces really pay me no mind. The oldest is Jordan. She's 14 and thinks she's the queen of the universe. Sweet as she can be, and very funny." I began to massage her shoulders and a moan escaped her lips. "Miss Nicole is 8 and thinks she's my boss. She's sassy but is also very sweet. She will probably ask you to read with her and will try to convince you to give her ice cream. Between the two of them, Jordan is going to flip out first."

"Your hands are wonderful. But sorry, Jordan, 14 and Nicole, 8. Got it. What about your brother? I've heard you two on the phone together. I feel like I'm going to be laughing the entire time."

"You will be. Carter is honestly my very best friend. We've always been close but ever since mom passed we've been closer than ever. He has no sense. We pick on each other, say crazy things, but it's all in fun. Out of everyone, he'd be the one to peep that we're more than friends, so we have to be careful. He is also my secret keeper. So, even if he does suspect something, he won't mutter a word until I do. He's also a punk when it comes to me. He's my protector, my biggest defender."

"That's sweet. And you said he's going to hit on me?"

"No doubt in my mind, but if you tell him you're in a relationship, he'll ease up." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her shoulder, letting her know I was done.

"I'm just excited to see where you grew up." She said putting the lotion on the nightstand on her side and climbing into the bed. She pulled the covers back on the other side for me to climb in beside her.

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