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"Pey Pey, I sick." My Eissa told my Peyton with his little raspy, sick voice. Seeing as how her voice was raspy as well, we might have woken her up.

We had just returned back to our room from the doctor's. Eissa had, sure enough, developed a fever, but I wanted him to get fully checked out in case there was something bad going on. At least I could catch it before it got worse.

He wouldn't let me out of his sight for more than a minute before crying out for me all morning. Not Joey, Terri, or anyone could help. He only wanted and cried for his Mama. My poor baby was going through it.

"Oh no, Buddy. You got a cold?"

"I not cold. Mama said I warm."

"I understand." Peyton chuckled at him. "Did Mama give you medicine?"

"Yes. It nasty."

"It will make you feel better though. Make sure you take it for me, okay Baby Boy?"

"Okay. Pey Pey where are you?"

"I'm at home."

"You come here?"

"I don't know buddy. Can you tell me where you are?"

"Um, I with Mama."

We both laughed at his innocence. Kids won't always give you the answers that you're looking for, but they're not always wrong.

"Well, I wish I could be where you are, Boogie. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Bye, Pey Pey." He said, handing the phone over to me.

"Hi, Baby. Sorry we woke you up."

"Hey, Beautiful. Don't apologize for waking me up. I always want to talk to my best friend and his sexy mom." I looked down and blushed as if she were actually in here with me. I could never get used to her compliments.

"Your best friend has been asking to call you since last night but I wanted him to rest."

"And what seems to be going on with our boy?"

Her saying 'our boy' gave me butterflies. I looked down at him as he laid his head back down on my chest after drinking more water. I kissed the top of his head and smiled. "He was rather warm last night and when he woke up this morning, it felt like he was running a fever. When I finally got him in to see a doctor, he could barely keep his eyes open, and he had a fever of 103."

"Damn Babe. Was he saying that anything hurts?"

"I've asked him and he said no but he kept tugging at his ear."

"Ah, so he's looking like you right about now?"

"Don't get funny, now." I shook my head and stifled a laugh because she was actually right.

"My bad. So ear infection?"

"Oddly enough, no ear infection. He's a little congested with a slight cough. That's it, aside from being fussy and wanting me to hold him all the time."

"I understand that holding part, Boogie."

"Aw, does Pey Pey need Mama to hold her, too?" I baby talked to her.

"Pey Pey always needs Mama to hold her." We both quietly chuckled at each other. "So what's the treatment plan?"

"Plenty of fluids, rest, and a fever reducer. Just praying that he doesn't develop more symptoms later today. We have another day to rest tomorrow so hopefully his fever will start coming down. If not, I'd be looking at canceling another show and I'd rather not do that."

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