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Oh. My. God.

As I started to come to slowly, I felt an immediate throbbing in my head. My mouth was dry. My body felt heavy. My stomach was nauseous. I will never drink again. Never.

"Baby, can you get me some water and aspirin, please?" I asked Peyton. I laid there for a moment and realized that I didn't hear a response or feel any movement behind me. Honestly, it felt a little odd that her arms weren't wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes slowly and caught a glimpse of the sun beaming through my window. Way too bright. I sat up and looked over to where Peyton slept. She wasn't there. Looking under the blanket and sheets, I realized that I didn't have any clothes on. What the hell happened last night?

As I attempted to get out of the bed, I noticed a bottle of water and some pills beside it. I smiled softly, knowing that my baby was looking out for me. But where was she if she wasn't in bed with me? Taking the pills and drinking the entire bottle of water, I slowly got up to use the bathroom. On my way, I noticed that her bag wasn't where it had normally sat for the last few nights. I frowned my face but continued to the bathroom to take care of a few things.

I threw on some sweats and went in search of my girlfriend. I noticed that Eissa's door was open, but the guest room was still closed. So, Joey is awake and Gil is still knocked out. I went downstairs and immediately noticed that the kitchen had been cleaned. I remembered that Ellen wasn't due to come until 9 - what time is it? I looked at the microwave and saw that it was 9:27. There's no way she cleaned up everything that fast.

I peeked outside and noticed that Joey's truck was gone and Gil's car was still parked. Still asleep, as I suspected. I called out near my front door. "Peyton!" No response. I walked back into my house and stood in the kitchen, calling out her name again. "Peyton!" I waited a second then heard footsteps coming in my direction from the theater room.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Baby." I saw her standing in the doorway, looking rather tired. "Did I wake you up?"

"No, I've been awake for a while."

"Did you see Ellen? She was supposed to be here this morning."

"Yeah, I let her in. She didn't have much to do since everything was cleaned up so she left," she answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Since I couldn't sleep, I just cleaned up everything. No biggie," she shrugged nonchalantly.

I sat down on a stool at my island, keeping my eyes on my girlfriend. Something was up. She was being very standoffish. And we never let this much time pass before physically greeting each other in the mornings. She leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms across her chest. Oh boy. What happened now?

"Babe, I remember telling you not to do that before I went upstairs last night."

"What else do you remember saying last night?"

"Not a whole lot. After Joey went upstairs, we made out for a little bit on the sofa, and wanted to fool around. I went upstairs and-." I paused. "And passed out. Baby, are you mad that I passed out and we didn't have sex?"

"Janet, I'm an adult. I wouldn't get mad about that. You had a lot to drink. We had a lot to drink," she replied. She sounded frustrated and slightly offended.

"So, help me out here. What is this about?"

"I know I said that I would drop it, but let me ask you something. Did you have a nickname for Shawnette?"

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