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"I can't believe that you actually brought me to the zoo. Is this our first real date?" Peyton said lowly in my ear. She was standing behind me, looking over my shoulder as I took a picture of Eissa and Joey feeding the giraffes.

I laughed at her question, turning slightly to face her. "No ma'am. I will take you out on a proper date soon. I promise. And you know I keep my promises."

"I know very well that you do. Send me that picture too, please." She walked around me, squeezing my ass as she passed, and went to grab Eissa from Joey.

"Ma'am!" I exclaimed, not even that surprised that she did it.

She looked at me and smiled before talking to Eissa. "Where are we going next, Boogie?"

"Uhhhh I go see the tigers. Pey Pey, tigers say Rraaaawwwrrrrr!" The two of them growled at each other then cackled.

"Well let's go then!" They started off towards the tigers as Gil finally made his way back to us from the restrooms.

"She just gonna leave us like that? With yo baby? Rude!" He said playfully as we stared behind them. Two of my security guys were next to them, while Joey and his brother were behind us.

"Look at them though. Look at how happy they are."

"You did that, J. It's what you do. You always find a way to make the people that you love happy."

I snapped my head in his direction. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't have to tell me. I can see it. You love that girl."

"Honey? You okay?" Peyton asked, interrupting my thoughts. We were trying to decide on what movie to watch. I was heavily distracted on a few things, mainly on the conversation that I had with Gil at the zoo yesterday and the fact that Peyton was leaving tomorrow morning.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about yesterday."

"Oh my God, I had so much fun. I felt like a kid again. Thank you for taking me."

"I'll take you anywhere you want to go Baby."



"Let's go for a ride then."


"Let's go for a ride. Right now."

"What? Where? It's late." I resisted.

"Come on. It's my last night, my bags are all packed, it's not too late, and Eissa is with your mom. Take me on a ride, anywhere," she said standing up in front of me with her hand out, waiting for me to take it.

"Fine. I think I have the perfect place to take you."

I went to grab my keys to my Audi RS8, locked up the house and we got in the car. Peyton played some slow jams to set the tone, starting with Leela James "Fall For You". How appropriate. The ride to the overlook took us about 25 minutes. We ended up on Mulholland Drive overlooking the city. It was a clear night, so the city shined bright with all of its lights, energy, and magic. There were no other cars around, giving us complete and total privacy.

Once we got out of the car, I walked around to the other side and leaned back on it, facing the overlook. Peyton came and stood next to me, taking in the view as well.

"It's so beautiful up here," she said with the same look in her eye that I saw yesterday. A part of me wished that I could see the world through her eyes. The beauty and wonderment of it all. Growing up here, this seemed quite normal, but for her, it was a different world. I'm sure I would feel a bit of the same when she takes me to her hometown.

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